My sister's unicorn?

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A/N: Cn- Chicken Nugget  

So I had Art on Thursday or Wednesday I can't remember and we needed to make some 3D shapes for class before lunch and when I say we I mean the rest of the entire class because I was actually responsible back then. So I was speaking to Nashi (aka my 'lil sister') about some random stuff when I saw her pointing at something.

"Nashi....What are yo-" I turned around to see the same girl who I borrowed the liquid off from with a 3D cone attached to her hair using a hair pin (yeah people this is my cn). So I stood there thinking 'How idiotic can people actually be' because personally I hate people like that. So another thought popped up in my head.

"Hey Nashi you want me to buy that 'unicorn' for you?" I remember how stupid I felt after asking that question. She said yes and I died inside because I was really antisocial back then so I had to walk up to this chick and ask her if I could buy her...yeah cause that's normal. 

"Um hi can I buy you for my little sister Nashi please I am willing to pay any price" I manged to say. " Yeah sure" she replied ad started writing down digits on a piece of paper and gave it to me when she was done.

"This is what I cost". I looked at the paper and saw $ unicorns are expensive. "Oh okay" I then took another piece of paper and wrote the exact same price on it on gave it to her. After that we both looked at each other she was giggling a little I on the other hand was trying to keep my laughter sealed away cause I really didn't know anything about her.

So I took her to Nashi and introduced them to each other Nashi was really happy because will she was more social then I was and was happy that I 'made' a friend.

After some time the three of us became good friends and met a girl called Pikachu (Ik) or Pika for short. I thought I got along with her fine because both of us loved stationery, sports and shopping online actually we were both tomboys but at the same time we still had our 'girly side'.

So one day the three of us (me,Nashi and Cn) decided that we should be sisters but we had one problem. We didn't have a mother or an adult in our 'family'.

"Hey we're sisters right? But who's gonna be our mother?" I looked at them will they we thinking of who was gonna be our mother. And then the weirdest thing happened all three of us shouted "PIKA!". We looked at each other and started laughing like we were crazy.

After we ran outside looking for her and when we found her we ran towards her shouting her name and she just looked at us like 'Wtf are you three doing'. When we finally caught up with her we explained our family to her and she said "Yeah I guess?".

She was so confused. After that we were walking back to class and then one of us asked "Hey, what about Sky?" it was my Cn who asked that one question that I really didn't want to answer. "Umm she could be our cousin" I replied. I could she that she was really excited so I didn't say anything else.

Thank you for reading this chapter and if you didn't like it as I said before I don't care because this is my life it doesn't matter to me what you think you are not my Cn. Her opinion is the only one that matters to me in this story so if you didn't like this chapter, the entire story so far or my attitude you can just leave. Anyway I hope that all of you guys who actually read this and liked it has a 'Chicken Nugget' of there own that they love.

-Lini-kun (Thanks to Nashi for the nickname)

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