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Your textbooks are shit,
They've been shit,
They will always be shit.
You will always describe my people as anything except for what they are,
You will tranple on my ancestors like it's the newest cha cha slide and call yourself Christopher Columbus.
I know I'm calling your bluff
But please don't hang my people because of your underlying lies.
Because of your hatred for yourself
Your hatred so strong that you devour our spirits for lunch and say you made the meal,
I'm not sorry.
I'm not sorry for feeling anything when I'm forced to stand before the pledge,
The one that stares back at me,
Blood pouring from its stripes,
How do you think it got there?
How do you think we got here?
In a place we can't call our own because it wasn't given,
It was stolen.
Just like our ancestors were stolen,
From the roots of which we all came.
People still deny that fact.
From the roots of which we all came,
We came from god but not the one in your nearest white church,
I'm taking about the one with brown sugar skin and forgiving eyes,
That can see far beyond your messed up lines within your shitty textbook.
So now I have to say this again,
To keep this in your privileged heads.
Your textbooks are shit,
They've been shit,
And they will always be.

-Ariana Mendez

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