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You trudged down the sidewalk to the front doors of the big building that was enveloped in snow

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You trudged down the sidewalk to the front doors of the big building that was enveloped in snow. Your boots made light footprints as you walked, then clopped up the short flight of steps.

Another year at BigHit University, only the most elite school in Korea. Offered to only the smartest students, the education was only the best of the best and you were lucky enough to be the only one from your high school class to enrol in this college.

Because of that, you were unfortunately quite lonely. Other than just the smart people, rich parents would send their kids here too. That also meant snobbish and self-centred people existed on campus, which made the majority.

Before university, you were a really social and nice person, friendly to everyone you met. But ever since it ended, goodness, people would leave you alone and nobody would speak with you. No matter how you tried to talk with people, they never wanted to include you as their friend, so eventually you stopped talking to other students completely unless it was for schoolwork. Even so, you were generally nice but stayed out of others' way.

Little did you know that the first day of your second year at BigHit University would be much different. The whole year would be much different.

You came in later than you usually did in your first year, mainly because none of your courses were scheduled earlier in the day. First was Physics at 10am, then you had some free time for an hour and a half at noon for your lunch that day. Lunch was about the same timing every day this year, compared to your old schedule which made you take either early or late lunch.

You were grateful for that, because now you could finally lead your life normally and not under too much stress like last time. The only thing different was that you had to eat at another part of campus, instead of your usual East End. Most of your classes were now at Central Campus, where lots of people gathered.

Physics passed time slowly, and you really just wanted to skip to your break there and then. Besides, a little figuring out of this unfamiliar part of campus wouldn't hurt, right? Science wasn't really one of your favourite subjects but you knew it was better to take it than leave it to your disadvantage. When the lesson finally ended, you sighed in relief and gathered up your things quickly then skipped out of the lecture room door.

Looking around in the corridor, you try to look for signs to the cafeteria. You had to walk for a little bit, going round the building at least twice, before realising you had passed it many times when you finally found a map on a noticeboard. You rolled your eyes, annoyed.

You walk in carefully, nervous. You look around and start to walk, but you kept getting pushed by other students. To your surprise, the place was packed. Every table was full, and some people even had to sit with other students they didn't know.

You quickly buy your food, hoping it would clear up after a little while, but it remained the same. You walk around, not knowing where to sit — not having a place to sit anyway. But there was only one table that was left unoccupied, nobody sat there. Or at least you thought nobody dared.

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