
9 1 2

I let my clothes fall to the ground

As I undress for a shower

They fall fast

Also as fast as my face falls

When I see what I am

When I see the prominent bones I my hips

Or the curves that almost were enough

But not quite because oh I need a wider hourglass figure

I hate that fucking cellulite indents my thighs make

I hate my inproportionate long body

I hate the spots that are just too thin

I see this all in the matter of merely a second

I try to avoid the mirrors

But its hard

When society is a mirror itself

Sharing its own reflection of who you are

Where are my thoughts

And so after hating my body

I slip behind the shower curtain

And cover myself with the water like a safety blanket

Hoping the heat will burn my flesh and melt me into something beautiful

*scratch scratch scratch*


Faint red

Dark pink

Scratch marks all over

Because my body feels like there are pins


I scratch until my thighs are bright red under the searing steaming water

Maybe if I scratch hard enough

My skin will flake off

And a new layer will appear

One that's beautiful and not full of cellulite

I wish I was enough

I turn the water all the way up burning myself again and again hoping to be more

I need to be enough

Let me be enough

poetry book one 🌙Where stories live. Discover now