Princess Marinette's Festival

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    Today was the day, it was a festival of many things; for the Princess to get a new and loyal knight, it was also the Princess' 18th birthday. Everyone was gentle and kindhearted to newcomers who came to join this festival, no thieves in sight and everything was free from the curtesy of the Princess for her festival. Off in the corner was a boy selling newspapers about the Kingdoms greatest hero, Ladybug! Wait, lets rewind here. 

    Who is the Princess in the first place? Princess Marinette is the most adorable princess ever, maybe also the most gentle and kindest, she wasn't afraid to get her royal silks dirty for her people. Beautiful blueberry shoulder length hair, amazing ocean blue eyes shined with such innocence that even the paintings of her couldn't quite capture, her cheeks had light dusted freckles on them and her face held innocent but determination in every painting of her. Now you're probably wondering who is Ladybug. 

     Marinette had found this box in the forest during one of her walking trails around her home and found two beautiful earrings and made a promise to her kwami, Tikki, to only bring peace and love. Overall, the whole story of the kindest princess was actually in town! Hidden! She wore beggars clothes, a guard following as she tried many foods and ended up bumping into none other, Chat Noir. 

     "Oh please do pardon me sir!" She didn't know that he was the Prince of the neighboring Kingdom under his mask, so here the Princess is; sitting on her bum due to her toppling over in rags and dirt in front of a newcomer.

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