Finding her

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Killian Jones was sailing alone, thinking about Emma like always, when all of a sudden a bird lands beside him. At first he tried to get of the bird till he realized the little bottle and note tied to its leg. He untied the bottle and note then read it,

Killian... Memory Potion.. Find the Savior... New Curse in Storybrooke

Killian was happy to know transport between the worlds were possible again.. but first hed have to find a way.. Killian sailed miles and miles untill he passed another ship... blackbeards ship... 

"Ahoy blackbeard" said Killian

"Oh well.. isnt the most fearfull pirate of them all... what do you want... Hook..." replied blackbeard

"I would like to know if you have any beans at all? I need a portal"

"Why the hell would I help you! You stupid pirate!!!!"

Killian gave a smile, " actually I am willing to trade this ship, my Jolly Roger for a bean just one bean"

"Whats so special that captain hook would need a bean in favor of giving up his shiiip.... dont tell me its for love? Is captain hook going soft?"

"Do you want the ship or not?" Kilian replied angry

"Deal... Heres the bean.."

After Killian got the bean he was on the mission. He got to where he wanted and opened up the portal. And away he jumped.

In a moments notice he got to the city where he had attacked rumple months earlier. He didnt know where he was.. but he knew hed find his way to emma.. He walked around to every apartment building but none Listed her name. The last apartment building on the block... he walked up to the door and , isted in room 133 had the intials E.S He was hopefull. All of a sudden a person walked threw the door so he could walk in without ringing the buzzer.. he walked up three flightsnof stairs and passed 130... 131... 132.... then at the very end of the hallway was the door 133... all he could hope was when he knocked it would be emma. So here he went.. he knocked once...

Henry "are you e pecting someone?"

Emma "No..."

Killian could hear voices but couldnt tell them apart.. so he kno ked harder

Emmma headed towards the door..

It opend...

Killian  couldnt believe his eyes, the women he loves standing in front of him

Swan... he said... 

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