Morning Kiss

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The grey light of pre-dawn is spreading over the horizon when they stir awake, too used to eternal darkness to ever sleep through one of those miraculous sunrises. Seokmin had tried, once, and it had felt weirdly disrespectful to Soonyoung. He’s never done it since.

Jisoo’s weight is familiar atop him, and Seokmin’s sleepy mind drifts a little, back to what he’d been dreaming of. A simpler time, stuck in the back of a car that no longer exists. Rain pouring down, and another early morning. Waking to confused spluttering, an elbow in his gut, and an accidental headbutt to his chin. Jisoo had left him bruised from that ignoble awakening for a solid week. Laughter from two friends who are no longer alive.

Jisoo lifts his head and kisses Seokmin sleepily, getting his chin first before he manages to find his lips. Seokmin stirs from his sleepy wool-gathering, smiling against Jisoo’s mouth.

Soonyoung and Jihoon’s deaths still feel like an open wound sometimes, but at least he has this. They both do

“Morning’,” he mumbles before yawning cavernously. Jisoo's nose wrinkles slightly, but he kisses Seokmin again when he’s done. Jisoo makes a soft disgruntled sound. Words are too much work before his first cup of coffee. Seokmin chuckles. “Cute in the morning,” he mumbles, and Jisoo makes an affronted noise this time. Even cuter. Jisoo tucks his face against Seokmin’s throat and yawns too, before he turns his face to the side. To the window, and the sunrise.

Seokmin yawns again, sitting upright, and Jisoo shifts with him with a sleepy grumble, leaning heavily against him. Seokmin is more than happy to prop him up, and kisses him again, landing on his cheek and nose before finding his mouth. He raises a hand and begins de-crusting his eyes so he can actually open them, yawning again.

The sunrise is just beginning properly when he gets his eyes open and unclouded. He smiles softly, and kisses Jisoo’s forehead with delicacy, and begins to describe the sunrise in a rusty, sleepy voice. Jisoo leans against him, this ritual important to both of them, his face turned to the window to feel the sunlight warm on his face.

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