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"Wh-what are you doing here?!" Goldie gasped. He was in a corner far from a bunny animatronic, who had a sly smirk on his face. The bunny closed the door and locked it. There was nothing in the room besides the two animatronics. Goldie panicked more and scooted himself more in the corner, fully aware that he couldn't move anymore. The bunny, springtrap, walked to Goldie.

"Now, why are you scared?" He purred. Goldie sat there, frozen in terror, as springtrap sat beside him.

"B-because..." Goldie couldn't think straight. He struggled to find words, resulting to him mumbling random things. Springtrap put his finger to Goldie lips as he hushed him. "Don't be scared, fredbear."

Goldie flinched when springtrap said his past name. It's been quite a while since he heard it.

"I just wanna have a little bit of fun~" he cooed as he reached for his hand. Goldie slapped his hand and stood up. Springtrap gave a low growl, but it died quickly.

"S-sorry, but I don't want to do that.." Goldie mumbled as he started to the door, but felt springtrap hug him from behind. Goldie's face turned to a deep shade of red.

"Why won't you play with meee?" Springtrap whined as he hugged Goldie tighter. Goldie tried to push his arms from his chest, but his strength was no match to springtrap's.

"L-let me g-go!" He said. Springtrap did so, pouting as he did. Goldie scrambled on his feet and ran to the door.

"Oh, you're not going away that easy!" Springtrap smirked as he put a hand (or paw?) on the door. Goldie looked at him, his eyes wide. "P-please. I'll do anything..." he whimpered.

"Anything?" Springtrap repeated. Goldie nodded, looking down at the floor. Springtrap grabbed Goldie's chin made made him have eye contact. Goldie gulped, his breathing turned from smooth to shaky.

"I'll tell ya this. I'll never 'mess' with you IF you can spend the rest of the day with me without escaping. You'll have to do what I say." Goldie panicked, but springtrap noticed his cheeks flourish crimson. His lips curled into a smirk. "Don't worry. We only have 6 more hours together. It's a win-win. Deal?"

"Oh..." Goldie whimpered. He didn't want springtrap to touch him or tell him anything that made him uncomfortable. Springtrap seemed to read his mind, because he added, "don't worry, I'll just be fluff between us. Nothing too deep. But if you want some, just tell me." He winked at him.

Goldie thought for a moment. Springtrap not being wired with me for the rest of my life... it sounds unlikely, but he seems serious this time.

Goldie took in a deep breath.

"F-fine..." he mumbled. Springtrap smirked, then gestured Goldie to the floor. Springtrap sat against the wall, the smirk still on his face. Goldie was about to sit beside him until he heard him say "Ah-Ah-Ah, fredbear!" Goldie glanced at him.

"Come sit right here." He insisted, patting in front of him. Goldie's face turned redder than foxy's fur.

"D-do I have to?" He whimpered.

"Yes, ButterCup." He chuckled. Goldie, who was feeling embarrassed as heck, sat on springtrap's lap. Springtrap snugged with Goldie as he wrapped his arms around him.

"You're so fluffy, my little daffodil!" He said as he ruffled his golden fur.

"D-don't call me those wired nicknames." He mumbled. Springtrap hummed a bit, then replied, "fine. I'll call you my gummy bear. No changes."

"But it's stupid..." Goldie grumbled. Springtrap thought of a way to stop his whining. He tilted his head a bit and gave him a couple of kisses on his neck. Goldie tried to not fall into springtrap trance, but when he found Goldie's sweet spot, he lost it. He felt his whole body go weak. It was like springtrap tamed him. He couldn't move. He wanted to, but couldn't. He took in a shaky breath and relaxed himself.

A while later springtrap stopped. Goldie held is breath as springtrap entwined his fingers in his.

"You're so adorable when you're shy, you know that, my gummy bear?" Springtrap whispered. "You have no idea how much you mean to me..." springtrap pulled Goldie closer to him, so that Goldie was laying against his chest. "... I just wanna snuggle with you, all day."

Goldie suddenly felt a new feeling for springtrap. It wasn't anything negative, like fear or hate, it felt... nice. We felt warm inside.

Why was springtrap being... soft? He usually acted flirty and sly, but it felt like the wired side of springtrap left him.

Without thinking, Goldie moved to his side and buried his face in springtrap chest. Springtrap gave a soft smile from the bear's actions, and wrapped his arms around him. Goldie started to feel drowsy.

"Sleepy?" Springtrap chuckled. All Goldie could go was nod and brought his arms close to his chest.

"I dunno why..." Goldie whispered. Springtrap barely heard this, but pretended that he didn't hear.

"I dunno why, springtrap. Why I'm doing this." He said a bit louder.

"Doing wha-!" Goldie gave him a soft kiss on the lips then buried his face back into his fur. Springtrap was at first stunned, but then laid his head on Goldie's, happy that this moment was real.

Woah I got stabbed my a feels sword.
Don't forget to give suggestions if ya want!
Thanks for reading this cringy story :P

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2018 ⏰

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