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I sat in my room coloring a picture I drew. It had me, Ike, Sheila, Gerald, and Kyle. Family picture? I guess.

I was kicking my legs back and forth making my shoes click clack as I hummed a song I hear earlier. "London bridge had fallen down fallen down..." I sing a little. "I never knew you sing" I hear Kyle says "what do you mean" I say coloring his green hat on the drawing.

"Your voice sounds so much like Craigs but female" he says "Is Craig the boy with the blue chullo hat?" I say "yea" he says "why are you here exactly?" I ask him turning to him. "Butters is here for you" he says.

"I dont like you hanging out with him" Kyle says and I stand up "just cause your my brother doesn't mean you have to act like you care. I know you don't" I say walking past him. "Hey! I care for Ike don't I!?" He says "you change your mind to much" I say and walk down the stairs.

I open the door and see butters sitting on the steps "Butters?" I say and he looks back to me and smiles "hey y/n!" He says and holds up a flower I'm guessing he took from his mothers garden. "For me?" I say pointing at me and he nods. I take the flower and look at it.

"I was so wondering if you wanted to go on a picnic with me?" He asks "with your family" I say "no no just with me" he says "Ok that would be fine" I say "I got it ready" he says "oh well let me go tell Sheila" I say and he nods.

"Mom?" I say entering the kitchen "yes?" Sheila says "can I go outside with butters?" I ask and she thinks for a little "ok but be back before 6" she says "ok ma'am!" I say and run to the door "don't run you might trip" she says.

"Sheila said yes" I say opening the door and walking outside. "Ok lets go" he says and we walk to where he had set this scene.


While on the way butters started to speak after silence "hey y/n?" "Yea" "have you found an interest in someone?" He asks and I think back to this professor chaos boy. "No" I say to him and he looks down.

"Well ok" he says "have you got an interest" I say and he lifts his head "I thought I did" he says. Maybe it was his ex? I dunno.

The scene happend to be beautiful. "Well here it is" he says holding out two hands towards it "whoa..." I say as the sun made the sky look like different colors.

(Time skip since i dont know what foods you like)

"This was nice butters" I say taking the last sip of my apple juice "yea it was" he says "we better go its almost 6" I say "ok" he says and packs the basket. We start to walk back.

"I heard professor chaos met someone mysterious" Butters says "like who?" I say "a female, that's all I know" he says looking at me in my eyes and looks a bit shocked but turns away. "This is your house?" I ask pointing to it and he nods.

"Well bye then" I say to butters "can I walk you home?" He asks "ill be fine" I say with a smile to him and he nods as I walk away. Taking a few steps away from Butters house "Hey beautiful" I hear someone says I turn to the brown head boy.

"Hello Clyde" I say to him "what was it? Y/n" he says "a girl like you deserves to be walked home by a gentleman" he says "if I wanted to be walked home by a gentleman I would've asked someone who doesn't cry a lot" I say walking away.

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