Chapter 5: Say What Now?!

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Candace's POV

I look over my shoulder to see Ethan holding that piece of paper I threw at him.

He stares at me, I look away instantly.

"Dude what's that?"
Ashton pointed to the piece of paper that I had just given Ethan.

"Nothing..." He says, and stuffs the note in his pocket, I swallow hard.

What the hell was I thinking?
I just gave my number to Ethan just like that.
He must think I'm a weirdo.


I groan and sit through the whole music class with my hands buried in my face.


As music ended I walked up to my locker to grab my homework assignment.

"Hey." I look up to see Ethan actually talking to me.

"Hey." I say back, nervously, leaning on my locker.

"What's this all about?" He pulls out the piece of paper with my number on it and shows it to me.

"Uh..I was wondering if you could text me this arvo?" I gritted.

He smiled, "Oh, yeah sure!"

"Really? I mean..okay thanks!" I nervously walked away, embarrassed.


"Hey Candy, how was music?"
Jo and April catch up to me in the hallway.

"Ethan sang Give Me Love in music."
I say, trying not to act like it was a big deal.

"Haha, I bet his voice is terrible."
April laughed and gave Joanne a high five.

"It was actually really good...really really good."
I say.

"Yeah? Cool. I don't really know that beanie boy much."
Joanne shrugged and tossed her hair to one side.

"Beanie boy?"

It was Ashton.

"Oh hey Ashton, Candace won't stop talking about Ethan's singing voice."
April smirked.

I blush.

Ashton grins at me, "Candace is in loooove." He teases.

"No I'm no-"

"Yes you are. And by the way Ethan has a girlfriend."


"He has a girlfriend? Who?"
I wondered.

"Violet Baker."
Ashton points to a pretty girl by her locker applying a thick layer of lipgloss.

I recognised her at once, she was the girl that I accidentally hit my schoolbag with.

Boy did I hate her.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes. Really really." Ashton nods seriously, I can tell he's not joking.


"You so love Ethan."
Joanne laughs.

"I do n-"

"Don't regret it honey, you're just wasting your time."
Joanne giggles.

Ashton and April laugh, behind them I see Ethan and Violet talking.

I can't make out the words but from Ethan's body language I could tell he wasn't happy.

Ashton notices me looking at them, he looks at me.

"What?" I say.

"Nothing." He smirks.

I was getting annoyed that Jo and April were laughing me so I decided to tell them the truth,
"Alright. I have a crush on Ethan Karpathy."

I had confessed.

"Oh. I'm not surprised Miss. Waters."
April says, I groan.

Suddenly my phone starts to buzz (it was on silent) and I got a text from somebody.

"Who's texting you?" Ashton peers over my shoulder and looks.

"Hey, isn't that Ethan's number? Wait,
why is Ethan texting you?

"Because." I say.

My phone buzzed again.

'Hey anyone there?'

I texted back,

'Yep. Here's a pic of Ashton.'

I take a pic of Ashton as he stares at me as if to say 'What the hell are you doing?'

I sent the picture.

Ethan: Haha his face tho 😂

Me: I know. He didn't know I was taking a photo 😂

"Hey! Candace! Schools over, and I can't walk to school with you this arvo, I'm going to Aprils house. Text you when I get there."
Jo waves goodbye to me, so does April. I wave back.

Looks like I'm walking home alone.

My phone buzzes again.

Ethan: What are u doing this afternoon?

Me: Nothing. Gonna probz be bored all day 😒

Ethan: Oh. Well I'm doing nothing either.

I sigh, I walk out of the school grounds all the way home.

"Candace?!" I hear a voice yelling at me.

I turn around, "Ethan?!"

"You live in this house?" Ethan had a shocked look on his face.

"Uh, yeah why?" I asked, slightly confused.

"I live 2 streets away from you. I live on 8 Parks Road!" (Not real address)

"Oh, then how come I don't see you when I walk to school?"

"I take shortcuts." He winked at me.

Ugh, why has he got so be so damn adorable??


I say.

Then for a moment we remained silent, we just stared at the ground, then each other, then the ground, then each other, this seemed to go on forever till Ethan spoke up:

"Well, I guess I better get going. See ya round."
Before I knew it, Ethan had already walked 100 metres up the street and I just remained standing there like an idiot.

Then my phone buzzed.

Ethan: I'm nearly home! 😋

Me: Cooool

Ethan: Cooool? That's the best u can come up with?

Me: 👊

Ethan: 😌

Me: ➖

Ethan: Well I better go then since ur just gonna text me emojis.

Me: Okay?

Ethan: Okay.


¡! I'm really sorry guys, I keep forgetting to update! Ugh. Sorryyyyy.

P.S Did anyone notice the little Okay? Okay. thing from the fault in our stars?


-Samantha 💕

Fallen In Love {Ethan Karpathy}Where stories live. Discover now