Flames (Anti's POV)

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You and Dark ran to the upper east corridor of the manor, and you ran and locked the door, of the study, hoping he wouldn't find you there. Dark said to you,"(Y/N), follow me we have no time to waste," he said as he held your hand taking you through a secret passage that now your the only one he's shown it to, he continued to speak and he said, "This room is Anti-proof, so he can't glitch in and he can't read our thoughts."

I went to the front door of the manor and there was (Y/N), and then I saw Dark walking up behind her going to take her to another room, and then I kicked down the door and threw a green fireball at Dark, but ended up hitting (Y/N), instead so I aimed at her to keep her on the ground from running to Dark, I tried one more time, but she dodged it and got to Dark before I could hit her to keep her on the ground so I could take her to my realm. Dark hated the idea of me taking (Y/N) into my realm, but I had to try to get her into my realm. Then Dark hit me with his red flames and sent me flying out of the front entrance of the manor on to the driveway, and then I glitched into the house and I didn't see them anywhere so I glitched around the house, and I yelled,"(̶̹̓Y̷̼̳͛/̶͇̈N̶̎̔͜͜)̸̡̩̋͝,̸̦̓̈́ ̸̺̌D̷̢͒̆ä̷͓̓r̷̮̊̽k̴̲̍͠!̶͔̕!̵̨̬̒̑ ̴͔͉̽C̶̦̀o̶̙̘̚m̵̬̓̂e̵̦̾̉ ̴̙̭̈́ŏ̴̧͉̇ù̶͕̤t̷̡͚͝,̸̦͂ ̶̺̪̕c̵̢̩̓ơ̸̪͝m̷̡̛̗̒e̷̛̯̲ ̴͔̋ǒ̸͉̚ǘ̶̺͑t̶̗̃̒,̶͉̎͌ ̸̯̉w̴͙̅h̵̞̺͋̃ė̷̜̙r̸̥͌̈́e̸̲̺̎͠v̴͖̑͜e̴͓͘r̴̫̺͘ ̸̺̠̈́͐y̸̢͎̎̌o̶̞̽͌ų̷̻̏ ̶͍͛̈a̷̺̓̍ŗ̵̠̑́e̶̩͉̍!̶̞̑͛!̷̻͗!̸͕̄" Then I heard a thud coming from the study, and I glitched upstairs to the east corridor but then I didn't hear anything and so I left the manor.

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