The Misadventures of Magdalena Ch.2

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 [Magdalena is running around the cemetery while Enrique and Mallory are sweeping up of organs of previous victims]
Magdalena: W-Wowee! I couldn't believe-- And did you see-- And, like, it was-- It was so-- Aah.
Mallory: [Laughing] There's a lot more to being scary.
Magdalena: Whoa! So you guys are training by cleaning garbage.
Enrique: [Trying to fit one last organ into the garbage can.] Uh, we don't just clean up garbage, kid. We also scare mortals.[Slams the last organ inside the garbage can, grunting] Sometimes.
Magdalena: Ooh, sometimes. But wait, that means more than one times. How can there even be so many mortals?!
Mallory: Take a knee, Mags [Kneeling on one knee.]
Magdalena: [Fully kneeling.]
Mallory: I said knee, not knees.
Magdalena: Oh, is this better? [Kneeling on one knee.]
Mallory: Yes, now look. When a human sleeps on a tombstone,ghosts and ghouls dragged the human to a scary place.
[Thunder crashes, suspenseful music plays.]
Magdalena: Whaaaaaaat?!
[Mallory and Enrique both laugh.]
[Back to Frida's House,Nikita and Anita were staying in their room after being grounded]
Nikita: Ugh i can't believe we're being grounded!
Anita: All because Mama didn't believe us about that freak going to a strange place.
Emilano Suarez: Carmela can Nikita, Anita and i have a serious talk
Carmela Suarez: Sure Emilano
[Cut to Magdalena dancing]
Mallory: Mags stop dancing
Magdalena: I can't this is my style
[Mallory and Enrique tried copying her style.]          

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