chapter 3

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Ok here is the looooooong awaited update!!!! Thank you to all the people who commented.


Rex rushed at her, his fangs sharp and his eyes glowing red. She backed up against the wall not knowing what excactly was happening. "I'm so sorry that I have to do this, I will try to make it quick"he said. Rex rushed forward yet again and sunk his teeth into the girls neck. "Please stop! It hurts!" she wailed. But Rex didn't stop. He couldnt.

They stayed like that for a few seconds before Rex saw the girl going pale. He.struggled with himself, willing himself to stop. But her blood tasted so good, so very good. He didn't want to stop. Not now at least. By now he could hear her heart beat slowing down. 'Not good' he thought. But before he could try to pull himself back, he felt himself being pulled back by somebody else. "What do you think your doing!!!!! Father said 'bite' her not drain her dry!" yelled a voice behind him. He knew that voice. 'HIS SISTER'he thought in horror. She was fucking scary when she was mad, and by the sound of her voice she was furious. THWACH!

When Rex awoke he was sitting in his dads office. "Shit,this is bad" he whispered. As he tried to get up to make a run for it a big brown wolf came and pushed him back down. "Trying to run are we?" his father mocked. Rex smirked. "Nah, I just really like this filthy carpet."he responded. Oops bad plan. His father was enraged.

---------------TIME SKIP----------------

Two hours later Rex emerged from the room. After that comment of his, his father went ballistic. Rex had at least five bruise and a few cuts, nothing to bad. And he may or may not have been killed twice by his father. He chuckled knowing his mother would be angry at him, but who cared. On his way back to his room he bumped into one of the babysitters. "I'm sorry"she said with her head bowed. Her name was Emily and she babysat his little sister and brother. Before Rex could respond she was already down the hall and gone. Rex shrugged.

He kept on his way, but halfway there he heard a scream. 'Must just be another poor human bumped into father' he thought. He kept on his way

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