Chapter Four

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The entire way home, my mind was preoccupied with the Yellow girl with the hidden message

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The entire way home, my mind was preoccupied with the Yellow girl with the hidden message. I locked myself in my room and lay on my bed, thinking. The song from earlier came into my mind. It was in a foreign language, but somewhere in me, I could understand the meaning. I type the title into my computer and look for the translated lyrics. I hum as my eyes skim over the page.

"We stood a day of hardships

Refusing failure

We stood a day of injustice

Waiting for our savior

Forget the past

Ignore the future

Stay in the present until the present is over

We will stand all our days

Until the second we die

And when we do,

They will not see us cry..."

The words flow together even smoother as they had before. I remember the joyous faces of the Yellows when they were singing this. How could they be so happy when what they are singing is so sad? A pang of guilt washes over me. We have treated them so poorly, but they refuse to be in pain of this. I was in awe of how strong their community was. Unlike us, they did not have everything handed to them, they worked for it. Unlike the Reds, they didn't give up hope. I feel so ashamed. The things I took for granted, they prayed for. No, they didn't pray for it; they worked for it.

This all brings my thoughts back to the Yellow girl. Her message was bore into my head. I think that the Yellows are going to try something on our government. It's been decades since our system wasn't corrupt. My parents themselves said that we are getting weaker by the day. I can't help but imagine what things would be like if I fought on their side.

My eyelids get heavier. With the song playing on repeat in my mind, thoughts of the mysterious Yellow girl, and ideas of the fate of our country, I fall into deep sleep. I wasn't sure of much, but I know for a fact what I'm going to do next. First thing in the morning tomorrow, I'm going back to the Yellow neighborhood. It's time to finally get my goals straight. 


So, what do you guys think? I know it's a recent story, but I'm still proud of it. What do you think Adlynn's gonna do? Will she ever see the mysterious Yellow girl ever again? I especially had fun typing this chapter because of the song. I thought of it in Spanish class when I was bored and somehow parts of it came to mind when I was typing. I was thinking of making a motto for the rebellion. How's this :

They can do whatever they want, but they will never get us to cry.

It relates to the song and is perfect for the theme of strength /equality. Do you guys like it? Any ideas? Comment your thoughts down below! Hope you guys have a great day!


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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2018 ⏰

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