*Chapter One*

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When I was a young girl I was told to be afraid of magic, that anyone who possessed magic was evil, but then I found the truth about the mysterious magical powers that people are chosen to possess, well I'm one of them, now I bet you're wondering what went down.

Well, my name's Phoenix and I'm the current seven of fire. I fight evil alongside my friends Jonas, Joshua, Colin, Megan, and Brianna, although I wasn't so trusting of them at first... I would always hide and transform back then when we really weren't a team or friends. (Back when I didn't trust them with my life)

Anyways here's the story

3rd Person Point Of View

Phoenix awoke around probably  three in the morning and sighs, as her long brown hair covers her face she climbs out her bed and turns on her bedside light, she knew she had to feed her cats even if it was at- she checked the clock once again- 3:25 AM then so be it, she fed her cats and once again climbed back into bed, She gratfully slipped her covers back over herself and turned her music on and plugged in her headphones and once again fell back asleep for another couple hours or so.

She later wakes up to her alarm playing rock songs instead of her music. Phoenix got up reluctantly a second time and yawned, she changed into her long sleeved grey t-shirt and jeans, a black hoodie and converse. She made her lunch and then began walking to school as she received a text from her friend claiming the bus broke down and would be late.

On her walk, to school, a small orange and white creature darted out of a nearby bush and jumped in the front of her.

"Hello, my name is Uni and I'm a Firefox," She said

"A what?" Phoenix responded staring awkwardly and the small fox.

"I'm a Firefox.... From the land of Starfall" It spoke as if she thought Phoenix knew where that was.

It was recently taken over by Lord Bella and her demon army, I was sent here by her Highness the Princess to find the new seven warriors who would defeat the army and save my- our worlds"

"Why are you telling me this and what's the seven?" She replies in confusion

"I sense magical energy from you and the seven is a group of seven heroes and each one has an individual power" Uni replied. Phoenix felt a brief moment of shock and then confusion, then slowly it was replaced by a feeling of anger. This had to be a prank there is so way this is happening.

"But magic is evil"

"Not all magic is, in school you guys were taught about the war when the evil destroyed the world, good was defeated and the Demon king nearly took over ending it all... but Princess Kailey seven of both life and death escaped before being turned evil like her predecessor."

Phoenix waved her hands around, and looked more angry than confused, this has to be a prank this talking fox is just speaking nonsense!

"She and Savannah, The Seven Of Fire combined their powers and defeated the king, and then they escaped. The survivors are no longer talked about ever since civilization recovered and magic was just never talked about nor was it ever used again, now that Starfall was taken over by Bella she'll be looking to revive her father using Kailey's magic. They may come to this world and attempt to take over it and destroy everything and everyone so Bella can rule by her father's side"

Uni said that while swishing her tail, attempting to make any sense to the young teen.

"Look that's great and all but magic is evil, no matter what you tell me" Phoenix replied remembering her history classes though most of the class believed the teacher was crazy she believed him, she checked her phone and saw the time.

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