Chapter 2

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3rd person POV

Phoenix began walking home while listening to music, she eventually got home tired and a little bored she walked inside to see her dad mumbling at the television.
"These heroes are going to kill everyone" Her dad growled at the tv, Phoenix looks down at Uni and the fox sat onto the floor behind the brown couch her dad was sitting on.
"I think they are brave, I mean we could be dead without them" Phoenix replied remembering her entire household was against magic.
"Magic will be and forever will be evil, no matter what they could kill us all at any time, that fire girl could burn everything at once and the Elsa boy could freeze everyone to death" Her dad yelled back raising his voice.
"But-" Phoenix began
"No buts, I don't want anymore of this magic nonsense being talked about in this household" Her dad replied
"Yes dad" She replied looking down at Uni frowning, tears begin to show in her emerald green eyes.
"Just stay safe, run if an attack happens. I want you safe" He mumbled looking back at the tv.
"Alright I will" She agreed and turned out to leave with Uni in her hands. Phoenix walked to her room and did homework till she went outside and sat with Uni.
"The superhero living with magic haters, yeah that'll work"
"I'm sorry Phoenix" Uni replied
"It's okay" she smiled and felt rain droplets they both went inside, Uni snagging some chocolate from Phoenix as she grabs it from her kitchen counter, they eat chocolate and watch tv alone in Phoenix's room till Phoenix fell asleep with Uni laying under the covers next to her.

The next day Phoenix woke up at her second alarm telling her to eat which was at 6:30.
"Oh crap I'm going to be late" She jumped out of bed and ran around grabbing clothes trying not to wake her parents who were in bed.
"Phoenix calm down it'll be okay" She yelled at her as Phoenix put waffles in the toaster and went into the bathroom to change her clothes. She grabbed her book bag and ran outside with her waffles and bag as well as her fox friend making sure Uni didn't show up in the camera. She waited till the bus came and she hopped on kids were talking about the demons attacking the town and they got to school. Kids were freaking out everywhere about these magic wielding heroes.
"They'll gain our trust and then try to kill us like the old times" A popular boy yelled, she walked to english and Stephanie a preppy girl was trash talking again.
"What if we just attacked them when they try to "save" us again, I mean come on the military can easily save us and deal with the villans and these freaks I mean come on guys we don't want freaks in our town do we?" She laughed
"My daddy will easily destroy these freaks" She added, her dad was a military general and he doesn't like the magic wielding supers either.
Phoenix rolled her eyes but frowned as this is how she thought of people back before she got powers, but she still doesn't trust her magic entirely. A girl with blonde hair walked in, her brown eyes looked around nervously as she took a seat next to Phoenix.
"Hi I'm Brianna" She greets herself.
"I'm Phoenix" She replied and the teacher walked in and started her lesson on procedures on what to do when there is a demon attack on the school or in public. Brianna looked nervous and Uni just smirked at Phoenix and Phoenix giggled.

The day went by past and Phoenix stayed after to play her clarinet, she stayed in the band hall till she went to go out her stuff away, she turned around and found Brianna.
"Oh hey"
"H hey" Brianna smiled and they talked for a bit, an explosion was heard and Phoenix looked outside to see her friend Taylor attacking everyone and kids running away from the attack, Brianna fidgeted with a silver and gold bracelet that she wore, it looked exactly like her design as Jonas's necklace and her earrings, then Brianna ran. Phoenix ran the opposite direction and Uni came out.
"Seven of fire transform" She yelled and she became the masked blade thrower again, she ran into battle again and threw some knives but got hit by a few energy balls from Taylor. She got up again and a girl appeared wearing a silver suit with angel wings on the back and gold gloves and arm bands, her mask was silver and gold and she held a katana. A white rabbit was by her side and the same purple mist that was there last time has returned, an energy ball was sent out at Phoenix and she didn't dodge it.

1st Person

I have no idea what happened, it all happened so quickly, all I saw was yellow and I heard screaming, my ears are ringing like crazy and my face is wet, I think I'm crying.

3rd person

Phoenix was blasted back by the energy blasts sent by the purple mist, a black aura surrounded Phoenix's body, her chest black where she was hit and her cloak is ripped to shreds.
"Heh you are do weak, but you just made me stronger" The purple mist laughed menacly and her mist form started forming to become a human, her hair dark purple and her outfit shorts, tank top and combat boots. Brianna ran to Phoenix and her hands started glowing silver, the area was surrounded by a red force field and Savannah walked into the field her black hair in braids and her black eyes were becoming teary after seeing a friend becoming injured but she started shaking with anger.
"You see her, that girl is stronger than me, stronger than you, and stronger than any evil you send at us because she isn't just a seven, but she's powerful and you will never have that magic." Savannah screamed.
Jonas ran into the field with the help of his dragon flying him there. Jonas summoned his spear in his hand he fought Taylor.
"Ice cage" He yelled and a cage of ice surrounded Taylor trapping the demon in his body and sending it away.
"That's Shadow the past seven of death magic, she used an evil curse on Phoenix " Savannah yelled everyone could notice the rage she felt.
"I mean she's just that weak, one hit she's down. Maybe she should stay that way!" Shadow laughed evily.
"She isn't weak, you don't see the magic she's capable of, but everyone here sees it. First one to transform and to get to the battle unless someone is right there. It's anyone whose on the evil side who's weak!" Savannah yelled at the evil version of her closest friend, Shadow's purple eyes shine in the sunlight clenching her fists she sends out black balls of flames at the team of kids. Brianna was able to heal Phoenix mostly without destroying her insides and skin from the curse's effects and Phoenix tried sitting up, her pixie animal lay on her trying to keep her down.
Brianna joined the fight as she used her katana and Jonas using his spear stand in a fighting stance around the demon girl, her form evaporating slowly but surely and she disappeared leaving just the four there and Taylor who is confused because of his transformation.

The teens brought Taylor to the front of the school where a teacher was standing looking for any kids who escaped the battle and then they went their separate ways.
Brianna sat with her rabbit and they looked at each other, she smiled.
"Detransform" She says quietly and then runs to the front looking around for her friends making sure they escaped okay.
Phoenix ran to the inside of the school and ran into an area with no cameras.
"Detransform" She whispered to Uni, who smiled and then a red light showed around the two.
Jonas ran to the side of the school while panting after becoming out of breath, his brown hair a mess, he looked around and then pet his blue scaley sidekick.
"Detransform" He groaned as sweat was dripping down his back.
Taylor sat pondering who his heroes were but was thankful he was saved in time

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2018 ⏰

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