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A/n: it's an update, hope y'all will enjoy it. So terribly sorry that I couldn't update fast, please do forgive me.

As an apology, the art up there is made by Maohime-sama for you guys. I kinda begged her to do it for me
And she galdly did it, since she also loves markyong.

Hope y'all had liked it. It was kind of her to do that.
Thanks Maohime-sama ♥♥

May markyong be forever!!


Third person's pov

Mark stared outside of the condominium and his mouth agape when he saw the light is on. He walked fast inside.

How can it be on?

Maybe they left it on like that. Or maybe there was someone up there right now. Maybe Taeyong is there right now. Mark was walking and then running, he didn't use the elevator since its not on the floor neither is the other elevator. And he can't wait for it to come down. Its on a tall building and their condo was in the fourth floor, not that far.

He halted when a thought consumes him that maybe Taeyong is there with someone. Someone like Yuta. He stopped dead in his tracks. Mark wanted to reach their room but at the same time he doesn't want too.

They both pay for the condo fifty-fifty; half. Even after they broke up, the two were still paying for the condominium for the past six months, they don't have any communication, they don't even live there anymore but their money is still payed at the due. Mark thought it would ceased after 3 months but they're still paying until now since six months had passed.

Mark didn't know why Taeyong was still paying for it when he's now permanently or not permanently living in Yuta's apartment. Mark at the first months can't let go of the place so he is still paying, he's ready to pay full but Taeyong keeps paying too as the landlord bringing the news to the other involved tenant, to him.

Maybe Taeyong payed for the first month until they both got their stuff out of there, Mark thought that he'd never comes there for the first month and temporarily sleeps somewhere but he eventually was in need of a formal clothes and a work related papers he's been making excuses and extension to the office just not to go back to their condo.

Totally, the younger only gone back to their condo six times, twice in the second month and once after and every month. He's living in Taeil's condo for the first three months of their break up. After that, Taeil notices how affected Mark was and is getting worse too.

Taeil often offers him advices and serious talks or trying to rope him in dating someone new or go to a bar. Mark then pretended that he's already okay and moved out from Taeil's condo. The younger was living somewhere near his workplace for the time being because they have a heavy project going on. Which is of course a lie that is going on for a month, Mark then lied again and said to Taeil that he's back on their condo for the last two months when the truth is he is living like a homeless person everyday.

Mark knows that he'll go bankrupt at this rate and maybe he should give up on one thing or another. He sometimes sleep at saunas and the park but it became a hassle when his co-workers are asking him if he came home yesterday because he is still wearing the clothes he wore yesterday. Apparently, their question hits him close to home, because he didn't know where his home is anymore.

At the back of his head he knows he doesn't have a home anymore but that thought is shoved somewhere deep near to non-existence.

That we don't talk anymore (we don't, we don't)
We don't talk anymore (we don't, we don't)
We don't talk anymore
Like we used to do
We don't laugh anymore (we don't, we don't)
What was all of it for? (we don't, we don't)
Oh, we don't talk anymore
Like we used to do

He slumped down on the wall near the stairs, he's in the fourth floor already, someone has even passed on him right there. He looked at the time on his phone and saw that is already 2 a.m. in the morning, he decided to come out and go to their apartment door.

His heart is thumping loud, both of fear and hope that someone might be inside. He fished for his keys and opened the door. He dragged his feet inside, his face is at a certain contort as he walked inside.

The light is on everywhere but no one is there. Maybe it's the landlord that decided to turn on the lights for once this night. The bed is as neat as ever and no trace of discarded clothes or cans of beer and soju. The curtain to the glass window is closed like its never swayed again. But the night light still find its way to pour inside. He did not walk to the kitchen nor the bathroom, he surely passed the small living room and nothing's amissed. He walked to the wall near the switch and turn the lights off on the room and he slumped to the bed.

So much for anticipation.

He did highly believe that Taeyong might be there, he wants to see him, he didn't know what he would do but he wants to be with him. Closer than they did on the restaurant three days ago. He sighed as he stare down his feet, he move his gaze to the table-cabinet near the bed. He stared at the cellphone there. Back to cellphone in his hand. What the-

Like we used to do



A/n: thanks for reading, I hope you guys had enjoyed it.
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