Chapter 27-...Wow...

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so my day has been really boring, its a beautifulday outside but i cant be bothered to move.......lazy person i am! hope you enjoy the (short) but sitll (i hope) good chapter.....enjoy!!!!!!!!


‘Good on you Liam’ I smiled and hugged him as he paid (I protested, but the gentleman Liam is he still managed to pay) and we exited the café, making out way back home.

*Ash’s POV*

-6 HOURS LATER (around 5 in the afternoon)-

We all stood there, admiring our work, Nat was dressed in what Gabby had picked out for her, with natural makeup on and her hair crimped. I was in a blue strapless flowery dress which touched the floor, my hair in an elegant bun with gold earrings peeking out my bangs. Gabby was in a georgeous purple cocktail dress in her stilettos and her hair natural.

We actually looked really good

‘PICTURE!’ Gabby screamed and grabbed her camera

‘Ok, 3 pictures, normal, crazy and well, whatever for the last one’ she laughed and placed the camera on her bad.




We all struck different poses, it looked really funny, we all burst into laughter and Gabby placed them on her wall where we put every picture we have together.

*Ash’s POV*

‘Ok, Gabby and I need to go downstairs, you all wanna come?’

‘Well since Luke won’t be here until 6, sure’ they all nodded in agreement

‘Lily checked that the boys were ready and waiting yeah?’

‘Sure Awesome A!’ she laughed walking out the door

‘Well that brings back memories!’ I shouted after her

We could hear her screaming for the ‘boys to get their bums into the lounge now’

‘Ok, their all down there, Zayn and Louis look very smart you two’ she said grinning like a breathless idiot

I hit her around the arm and laughed with her

‘Ok, Lily, Sav, go downstairs, we will be down in two, I will go first, then Nat and we will keep Louis holding on so Gabby take as long as you want yeah?’

She giggled like a 12-year-old and fixed her hair a little.

Lily and Sav left, but they kept the door open a little

‘OK!’ we heard Sav scream when they got downstairs

‘Don’t fall Ash, I don’t think Zayn would appreciate that’

‘Shut up Gabby’ I said nervous as hell and shaking a little

I exited her bedroom, wondering what Zayn would think.

I took the first step down the 24 stairs, remembering to breathe and herd gasps from the boys, oh crap, don’t tell me that I look bad, the girls said I looked good!

*Zayn’s POV*

We all looked up at the same time, I gasped and heard the lads do the same, and Liam whispered ‘breathtaking’

‘Back off Liam, she’s mine’ I joked with him, I punched him in the shoulder lightly and Ash came and stood beside me

‘You look so beautiful Ash’ I said as she flushed a deep red and I kissed her on the cheek, wrapping my arms around her little waist as I do so.

‘You don’t turn out half bad yourself Malik’ she grinned and pointed to my suite where it said ‘Malik’ on the right pocket.

‘Ok! You can come down now!’ Lily yelled up the stairs.

I heard Louis sigh as Nat showed up at the stairs and not Gabby.

Nat looked radiant; she looked beautiful, not as good as Ash, but she still looked amazing.

I felt someone move a little next to me, brushing my shoulder.

Liam was looking like he wanted to run up the stairs and tell Nat that he loved her. He seriously wasn’t that hard to read, he so likes her and it is obvious, it just pissed me off that he kept confusing her.

Nat got down the stairs, breathing a sigh of relief, as Lily, Sav and Ash all laughed at her.

‘What’s funny?’ I questioned them wanting to know the joke

‘well, when we were doing out prom, she wore heals ad walked down those stairs, we normally get ready for big things at Gabby’s, anyway, she walked down and landed flat on her date’s face, she has never walked down these stairs since, well, in heals anyway, so Luke must really mean something’ said Lily while Nat blushed a deep crimson red and Liam tensed, which no-one seemed to notice but me.

‘Ok Gabby!’

‘One sec, I need to get my purse’ she laughed and came down the stairs

‘Just kidding’ she said, and one thought ran through my mind……Wow……

*Louis’ POV*

‘Just kidding’ Gabby joked, appearing at the top of the stairs.

OMG MY GIRLFRIEND IS HOT!!.....I mean, ummmm, Gabby should wear dresses more often, she scrubs up well.

She walked down the stairs, pretty much glowing, the other girls looked great, but Gabby, words cannot describe how beautiful she looks.

I kissed her when she came and stood by my side, hugging her

‘you know how breathtakingly beautiful you look tonight?’

‘You know how much I love your TOMS?’ she said smiling at me.

She was right, these TOMS were for special occasions,.

‘Ok, well, I would like to get to where we are going before, well, just before, whish me luck guys, oh, and Sav, thanks!’ I laughed, pulling Gabby along with me.

Everyone but her and Harry had a confused face as to what I was getting at, just the way I like it.


its my last day of school holidays today ;( i dont want to go back to school, its boring boooo!!! anyway, what do you guys think? vote, comment and fan!

hope your all doing good? this was quite a short chapter and im sorry but i promise, it gets BETTER!!!

have a good night/day wherever you are in the world

lots of love and carrots




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