(4) the raid. (season 1 finale.)

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Bruce sits at the table of the kitchen, crying. "We are going now, Bruce." Alfred says, angrily.
"Is it because he's a boy?" Bruce asks.
"No, it's because he's a psychopath." Alfred walks away. Bruce wipes his tears and walks behind Alfred.
Soon, they get to the GCPD, all the officers are ready to take down jeremiah. "Hello Alfred." Captain jim gordan says "you know the plan, right?" He continues.
"Yeah, now let's go. I'm not wasting anymore time, jeremiah goes away, tonight!" They walk forward. The whole of the GCPD follow on behind.


"To be fair, you are right, Mr. Pennyworth really is like a father to Bruce..."  Jeremiah says, talking to the hallucination of Jerome.
"Yeah yeah, but we need to get moving!" Jerome gathers up his hallucinated cans of Dr pepper and walks to jeremiah. "Why? What's going on, jerome." Jeremiah picks up his sunglasses.
"You know, I'm in your mind so if I've noticed then you've noticed...dummy!" Jeremiah walks to the window that jerome was looking out of. "The GCPD planted spies outside the building. Tricky bastards!" Jeremiah walks through the jerome hallucination. "Sneaky fuckers, am I right?" Jerome says, trying to tip the remaining Dr pepper into his mouth.

Jeremiah walks downstairs. He has Jerome's legion down there. "Hello, everyone." Jeremiah smiles. "I need all of you to take the GCPD down. Tonight could go very wrong for all of us" the hallucination walks in. "OH LOOK, IT'S MY FRIENDS! SCARECROW, FIREFLY AND EVEN MY DEAR OLD HATTER! HOW ARE YA GUYS?" Jeremiah face palms.
"They can't see you." He whispers. Jerome frowns.
"Now go. They should be here soon. Kill them all." Jeremiah puts his hands behind his back and walks away.


Jim, Alfred and bruce walked through the woods to jeremiahs mansion, everyone that ruled the underworld had a mansion, it was just necessary. "I'll wait here." Bruce says, stamping his foot.
"No, no you won't. Your the key to getting jeremiah to turn himself in." Alfred replies, lowering the weapon in his hands. Bruce began to cry again. "Don't you remember what jeremiah put you through? He hurt selina, bruce." Alfred continues.
"Love is unconditional" Bruce sits on a log. "I love him to much to do this." Alfred let's out a sarcastic laugh
"Love?" As he walked closer to Bruce the tension started to become clear. "This is not love! He has you under some spell or something." Alfred tries to pull Bruce into a hug.

"You don't sound to sure Alfred." Bruce says through his tears.
Jim didn't want to hear anymore of this. "Can we go now? This really is not helping anything." Alfred pulls Bruce up and they begin to walk again. "Bruce loves jeremiah?" Jim asks Alfred, with a confused face. "Yes, yes he does." Suddenly a garden rake falls slams in between them. Jim and Alfred to around. It's scarecrow.
"Mr. Valeska doesn't want you to be here. Get out NOW"
"Jonathan, stop this nonsense. Jeremiah is controlling you!" Jim shouts.

Alfred shoots. Scarecrow falls to the floor. "Oh, well that was eas-" he gets back up. "Shit." Jonathan charges to Alfred and jim, welding the rake. The two shoot at him, hoping to kill him. Soon, Jonathan had given up. Not because he was feeling lazy, but because he was doubting jeremiah. Alfred turns to Bruce. He's gone. Bruce had ran to jeremiahs mansion. "Gordon!" Alfred pulls on Jim's arm. "Bruce is gone."


"Jeremiah!" Bruce's voice echoes through the mansion. Jeremiah pushes open the large doors to see Bruce. "Jeremiah you need to go, the GCPD are coming for you!" Bruce begins to cry again.
"Don't worry, I sent Jerome's group of maniacs after them. It's fine Bruce" Bruce smiles as he looks up. The two kiss. Jeremiah begins to push Bruce to the the floor. Bruce pulls from the kiss. "Yes, p-please.." Bruce says, followed by a smirk. They were suddenly on the floor. Jeremiah goes down to Bruce's pants. He unzips them. Jeremiah looks up to Bruce and smiles. He pulls bruces pants down. Bruce looks up to the ceiling. Jeremiah then proceeded to take Bruce's boxers off. The two stare at each other... jeremiah begins to suck Bruce's cock. "Oh-h" Bruce moans with pleasure. 
Jeremiah begins go faster. He starts hold on to Bruce's leg. "J-jeremiah!" Jeremiah looks up. "Already?" Jeremiah thinks to himself, suddenly, Bruce cums into jeremiah mouth... jeremiah pulls away from Bruce's cock with a little choke. They both smile...


Jeremiah and bruce sat on a couch watching TV. "JEREMIAH PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" Jim shouts. Jeremiah and bruce stand up.
"I see you have passed Jerome's legion of horribles, those lot eh?"
Bruce holds onto jeremiahs arm. "Bruce, you need to let him go. He's going to arkham now." Alfred says.
"No! No he's not!" Bruce shouts back. Jeremiah puts his hands up. "Yes, I am." He slowly walks over...Jim puts handcuffs on him..Bruce begins to cry again... it was over...

"JIM WAIT!" Jim looks behind himself to see oswald. He pulls out a gun and shoots jeremiah in the stomach..."I'll be taking the underworld back, huh?" Oswald limps over. "Don't arrest me jim." Oswald simply sits on the couch. Bruce screams over jeremiah, bloody and in pain. Everything seemed to fade into darkness.....

It was certainly over...

Season 1 is done now, yay there was smut in this one! Season 2 will start in 2 weeks! Also ive started to work on a story called "valeska" it should be coming soon. If there are any typos on this, please tell me! Bye bye!

Sorry to leave it on a cliffhanger, again.

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