Unsure of Doing...

32 1 0

- Gabby -


I can't believe myself.

After last night, all that has been in my head was Trevon. I hate it. I really do. I feel like I haven't missed him over the past two years, but now that I think of it... I actually did, I actually do. It's horrible because I kept on telling myself that I hate Trevon and all that he is, but he isn't bad, I know he isn't. I'm the one who was treating him badly, I know that now, but still I shouldn't have given in to him. I know I was excited at the thought of becoming his friend again, but what if the same charade goes on between us like it did in middle school or in elementary? What if those obsessive girls bother me again? This sucks. I shouldn't even be thinking about him. Right away I wake up and the first thing that pops into my head is Trevon.

I grunt out loud, and twist in my bed while kicking the covers over me, and punch my mattress while I scream into my pillow I was currently lying on. Why was I even thinking about him? He's not that interesting to think about. It's probably because I was excited that we were becoming friends right? I shouldn't think about him at all, I am taken anyways. Why did I even think that? I swear I am becoming crazy.I grab the pillow from under my face, and throw it across the room then I lie on my back and put my hand to my forehead. I'm so stupid! Why am I over-exaggerating anyways? He's just my freaking friend! No need to freaking freak out! Why am I still thinking about that idiot? This is getting out of hand. I'm acting like a little kid right now.

I use my palms to wipe my eyes so they won't be so tired and that everything won't be blurry. I put my hands down, and look at the ceiling thinking about what I'm going to prepare for breakfast. But then a sudden pillow comes into view, and it lands roughly on my face. My muffled scream was loudly heard in my ears, but to whoever slammed the pillow onto my face was clearly enjoying himself, and once I get this pillow off of my face he is going to face the wrath of Gabriela Lancaster. I finally get the stupid purple pillow off of me, and throw it at my smiling idiot of a brother.

"Tristan you dimwit!" I yell at him then I push him until he falls onto my bed,"Your sooo gonna pay for what you did right now and what you did yesterday!"

He just laughs his head off from my reaction, and curls up on my bed while holding onto his stomach tightly. I just stare at him through narrowed eyes, and pick up the purple pillow off from the floor to throw it at him. He just ignores my anger and continues to laugh at me, with his face getting all red from running out of breath. I continue to stare him down with my hands on my waist.

"Shut Up you little TURD!" I scream, when I finally run out of patience.

Once he heard me say the word turd he stops laughing, his face still red, and then his eyes begin to narrow at me like I should be regretting what I just said, but I don't.

"What. Did. You. Just. say bigger turd?" He patiently says to me with a little humor still on his face, but he struggles through the hunker and tries to be as serious as serious can be. But you could totally tell he is trying so hard.

I put my hands out infront of me, and they become fists in order to protect myself from that horrible word he just called me. Then I breath out angrily,"Oh. It's on!"

He then stands up on the bed and matches the same position as me. Then the remaining humor from his face vanishes, and he narrows his eyes down at me. "It is on Big Turd."

I scowl at that nickname, and I begin to jump on the bed jut to tackle him down. He struggles beneath me but then we begin to wrestle and he won a couple of times but then I always got from underneath him just to twist him over on his back. I grab a pillow from behind me, and smash it multiple times on his face until it got red as a tomato. He then grab the pillow from my hands and threw it across the room, just to tickle me on my knees, stomach, neck, and behind my ears, which made me laugh so loud I had to take in deep breaths after I laugh.

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