10# Centuries (Fallout Boy)

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They were all in the alleyway. This was the day things would change. This was the day.

The day rebellion would strike.

Those teens would change the world, they knew it. They would be the ones to change the world. They would show the government that they were not going to be ignored anymore. The sound they were about to make would not be forgotten.

They were about to go down in history. They would be remembered for centuries.

"We've been here forever,
And here's the frozen prove.
I will scream forever.
We are the poisoned youth."

Call them punks, call us delinquents. Whatever. They were about to do something no one had ever dared. They were going to stop blindly following. They were going to speak out.

And no one was going to stop them.

"Some legends are told,
Some turn to dust or to gold.
But you will remember me.
Remember me for centuries.

It's just one mistake,
It's all it will take.
We'll go down in history.

Remember me for centuries."

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