Chapter 11

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Starting this chap. i will name the chapter's,So if you want lovey dovey moments find the chapter with love ex:Chapter 11 (love chapter ) And of you want the characters fighting theres some chapters with fighting Ex:Chap 11(fighting chapter)

I've maked my story like this cause of the request of my classmate now see you have fun reading

-julia ;-)

*Elsa's POV

I'm inside fairytail's main guild hall with the others,Waiting for master makarov.

What's taking him so long natsu asked,Yeah I'm ready to see the "paradise palace" master was talking about Lucy added,I'm here sorry if it taken me so long master makarov said.

I was shocked what master was wearing,a vest color orange with white flowers and a knee high shorts,I bit my lip to keep me from laughing out loud,But Natsu can't take it he just laugh and laugh like theres no tomorrow,So i punched him in the gut to keep him from laughing then we all ride the 4-wheeler we quietly rode to paradise palace when we got there the place was all fancy everything was colored white with gold then at the ceiling there was Angeles and a golden chandelier in the middle my mouth was wide opened then mystogan closed it.

Here we are paradise palace this are your tour guides marie and Gabriel the boys and girls have different tours now if you would excuse me ill be in my hotel room master said.Now please follow me girls marie said now here's the elevators,The elevators was chromed when we entered it there was a little Lacrima vision on the wall it was on sorcerer tv showing the most mysterious mages of the year,Top one was mystogan two wow me then so on,Now this floor contains the Spa and hot springs marie added

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