1 | Wide Awake + Work

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Why was I so drawn to him?
I'd be doing my work in class, I'd be lying awake at three-am, I'd be reading, I'd be studying - that is until a passing thought of Kokichi crossed my mind.
Then my head would be plagued of the short student.
I'm not oblivious; these emotions were obviously romantic. Despite all of this, I will not deny that I was in denial (however ironic that may sound).
So, I continued to work towards mastering my Ultimate. I continued to read and study and lie awake at night.
Speaking of lying awake at night...
Three-forty-two. Morning. The April sun was just daring to crack through my blinds.
I rested the back of my wrist on my forehead, before lazily bringing it down. It hung tiredly off of the side of my bed. My ceiling was a dull ebony with a texture similar to that of dry, crumbling chocolate. I craved for something sweet.
If you must know, the rest of my room is blue. Blue with some white decor peppered around.
Kokichi filled my mind, an intruding thought that I just wanted gone. Well, truthfully I wanted it to stay, but like I said: denial.
Clumsily and still in a state of half-sleep, I clambered up from my bed, slinking over to my bathroom. I was careful not to wake up my family, however everything seems so much louder at night. My bare feet thumped against the wooden floor. The sound of the light flicking on seemed to fill my ears, as if trying to block out thoughts of Oma. The faucet handle was cold to the touch; I turned it and washed my face with lukewarm water. Cupping my hands, I sipped some of the water to ease my dry mouth.
It tasted like sand.
Sighing, I turned off the facet. I wish my feelings were as easy to control as a tap. To enunciate the simplicity of taps to my tired self, I turned the handle. Water. No water. Water. No water.
My mouth was dry again.
I gave myself a long hard look in the mirror, my e/c eyes darkening a shade. My h/c hair looked like a bird's nest on the top of my head, as if outlining my tired expression.
"What's even so great about him?" I asked myself. I wasn't even sure if I'd said it aloud. "I mean, he's just some bratty guy who wants to hurt people. Why? Why couldn't I have fallen for someone like... I dunno... Kaito? Or Kiibo?"
I didn't stop there.
"I mean... he is pretty intricate as a person. He won't bore me. But—" My reflection scowled at me. I sighed at it.
"It's too early for this."
I stared at my shower. Now I craved two things - sugar and a cold shower.
"If it keeps these stupid feelings away..."

It felt like daytime. Aside from the lack of sun, the lack of people outside, the lack of... everything, it felt like daytime. I was staring out of my window at the house across from mine. I spotted the silhouette of a girl in the glow of yellow light.
I sighed. The curiosity inside of me seemed to have hidden like a coward. Maybe I was just lying to myself. Would make sense, truthfully. Or is that also a lie?
Who knows?
Who cares?
The girl across the street was always up at this hour. I mean, I wasn't one to judge - I was literally stalking her after midnight.
I ran my hands through my purple hair. Messy again. I ended up lying in my bed, wondering about her. I wasn't curious, just... apprehensive. I wanted to make sure she didn't hurt anyone from DICE, y'know?
My heart was still hammering and my brain didn't seem to be willing to shut up about her.
I ended up just drinking a ton of Panta. One bottle, two bottles, I forgot. There were too many empty bottles on the floor, that's for sure.
Now I was just more awake. Hyperactive? Not really, I was just awkwardly shifting around on my bed.
Once again I sighed. I wanted her out of my head, or in my life. Preferably the latter.

I was late for school. Again.
I had the skip breakfast. Again.
I couldn't do my make-up or hair. Again.
I wasn't particularly known for my skills. I was the Ultimate Tailor to the public eye, which surprising most due to my half-assed appearance, but to myself I was someone completely different. I was the Ultimate Disguise Artist.
To my close friends, I was a tool. They used me to disguise them so they could skip school and call in sick, or (if they were feeling risky) sneak in someone from an opposing school for shits and giggles. I did it because they commissioned me to.
To Oma I was another face in the crowd. Most likely, anyway.
I sat alone at lunch, staring at DICE's (more specifically Kokichi's) table longingly. I'd never actually seen DICE for myself but I knew their creepy clown style all too well. I could be useful to them if they knew me for real. However, at that moment I was just the creep staring at them.
"Y/N! I would like to commission something." Saihara asked. I jumped slightly at his sudden introduction, not even aware of where he came from, but nodded my head anyway. He was one of my best customers, using his disguises to investigate - or rather infiltrate - illegal gatherings.
"I need you to commission me a clown costume."
My mind instantly went to DICE.
"I know what you're thinking, and no, I can neither confirm or deny your thought process. I will pay you twice the amount if you get it done by tonight."
I usually charged 133000 yen, so we were talking a lot of money. So, I nodded my head, still slightly dumbfounded that he was so desperate for me to get the outfit done so quickly.
"Thank you. Give it to me at school tomorrow."
And with that, she left.
I kept staring at the DICE members.
Things seemed to shift back to almost-normal.

Word count - 1029.

Disguised Feelings | Kokichi Oma x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now