Continue Achieving

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You've been travelling so far
You've been struggling so hard
So many sweats dripping
So many restless nights

You've been tired
You've been messing up with hard things
You've been fighting battles every now and then
So many problems on your way

I know if I was in your shoes I may give up
I admire your strength
Your capability to see positivities on every things that screams negativities
I salute your strength

We may not know whats going on your personal life
But hey we Julianators are here for you
We always got your back in every up and downs you may face
You can always lean on us

In every award you get we are always there rejoicing the triumph you receive
Celebrating every success you've been through
Congratulating even you may not know
Its a pleasure to us seeing our Idol being recognize his greatness

I can never compare you to anybody
Being the best is not enough to describe you
Every pleasures you got is our pleasure too
Every smile you gave to us makes our hearts melt

Thank you for everything Julian
Continue inspiring us for you are our greatest motivation
Continue guiding us for your words is the light to our paths
But the most important is continue striving your dreams and do everything that your heart desires

Seeing you walking to the path you'd love means that we've walking on the right path too
Thank you very much for in you I've fill the empty spaces of my dream
No matter what happen always remember that you've been doing great
You are great being you

Poems For Idol  (JULIAN MARCUS DAANG TRONO) Where stories live. Discover now