Chapter 5

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The next day at school was kind of depressing. It was Friday. Josh looked so upset. And it was odd. Groups of people were taljing about somethig but I never got the chance to find out what. It was to quiet to hear.
At lunch, Josh was sitting alone. I was about to go sit with Jordyn, but I felt bad for Josh. So I decided to sit with him.
"What's everyone been talking about?"
He didn't look up. He had his face burried in his arms. I looked around, abd I decided to move to a different table. Where Jordyn was sitting.
"Hey guys. Care if I sit here?"
"Yeah sure. Go ahead."
"Thanks. What were you guys talking about? If you don't mind me asking?"
Jordyn leaned over to me and whispered.
"It's about Josh."
I looked at her, half in shok, half confused
"W- what about him?"
"Seriously, Gracie. He's dangerous. He's so dangerous the school is even thinking about sending him to a mental hospital."
"A mental hospital!? What did he do!?"
"Shhh. Have you NOT seen his arms? Or how he acts? And the other signs, like how he doesn't make friends. He drinks every night, gets drunk, comes to school the next day with a hang over. He smokes, during school, in the bathrooms. Gracie, I'm telling you, warning you to stay away from him. He's danger-"
The lunch room randomly got quiet, and everyone looked over at Josh's table, where he was trying to fight about 20 men in white suites.
"Kid, you need to chill, and you need serious help. We can help you. We're taking you away for a while."
I got up, and started running to Josh. But Jordyn grabbed my arm.
"Gracie, no. He's very dangerous. He could hurt you."
"You're to dangerous to be around all these kida right now, son."
I was staring at them pinning Josh on the table. And I've never yelled so loud in my life.
Everyone stopped and stared at me. I looked around, and Jordyns grip around my arm lightened. I broke free, ran to Josh, grabbed his arm, and took off out of the school.
"Where are we going!?"
"Away from here where no one can find you."
I ran as fast as I could, until we reached an old abandon cabin, in the middle of no where.
Neither one of us said anythong for a while. Then he sort of whispered.
"Thank you."
Then he fainted.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2018 ⏰

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