Chapter Three

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Annie awoke to the sound of someone entering the restroom, fifteen minutes prior to when her internal clock would have woken her up anyway. They must've started letting people in, Annie thought to herself. Annie stood and composed herself. While she never needed to use the restroom, she had picked up on social norms from watching her mother. She flushed the toilet and exited the stall. Stopping to wash her hands, Annie studied herself in the mirror. Yep, she thought to herself. You look just like a regular girl.

Leaving the restroom, Annie was met with the hustle and bustle of excited wrestling fans eager to watch the night's matches. Annie could feel her own excitement swelling inside her girlish figure. There was one problem, however. She did not have a ticket and the show was sold out. There wouldn't be an empty seat in the arena to insert herself into. Annie was torn between going to the upper levels and hoping that someone in the nosebleeds didn't show up, or taking her chances and trying to insert herself at ringside. Tiny as she was, she could possibly get away with it and attract little attention to herself.

Her excitement and curiosity getting the better of her, Annie decided to make her way to ringside so she could see the action up close. Annie maneuvered her way through the crowd and found the appropriate stairway that would lead to the best seats in the house. Annie made her way down the stairs and noticed something beautiful. By the most amazing stroke of luck, there were a couple of empty seats at ringside! Annie eased her way to the seats, trying her very best to act natural and insert herself as if she belonged there. She hoped to herself that the real owners of the seats weren't just running late.

Time passed and the owners of the seats never showed up. She was free and clear! The show was now about to start. The lights dimmed and the opening show graphics were displayed on the big screen above the stage, followed by a flurry of fireworks, loud music and screaming fans. Forgetting all of her troubles, Annie became lost in the moment and screamed alongside her brethren.

The matches were finally underway. What a magnificent show it was! Irish girl and fan favorite, Clover, put on an incredible showing, but was just no match for the technically superior Pierre Raven of France. Terry Brooks lost in spectacular fashion to the mysterious masked woman Seven. Dead Sea utterly destroyed Caine Lockheed. Match after match of incredible high flying action and technical displays went by as the crowd screamed for more. Finally, the time had come for the main event.

Saving the best for last, Hurricane Jane was taking on the giant King Bear of England. She needed to topple this mountain of a man if she wanted to be next in line to challenge Wonder-God for the world title. King Bear came out to an appropriate chorus of pompous English music and cascading boos from the crowd. At last, Hurricane Jane's music hit. Loud and energetic, the crowd went absolutely wild. The fans loved Jane, and she loved her fans even more.

Jane stood in the ring as her music faded. She was dwarfed by the man standing across from her. King Bear, cocky as ever, looked down on his prey.

"I still don't think it's fair that a man like me should face a woman" he said.

"I agree. I'll make sure to go easy on you so it's a fair fight" Jane replied, not missing a beat.

The crowd went absolutely nuts as the bell rang to signify the start of the match.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

King Bear rushed for Jane and she dodged him with incredible ease. Jane knew that she would need to move quickly to maintain the advantage. She couldn't afford to get caught by one of his undisciplined blows. Jane bounced around the ring, letting Bear wear himself out. Getting frustrated, Bear launched at Jane with a clothesline. Jane ducked under and did a springboard off of the ropes behind Bear, connecting with an enziguri to his head. This seemed to only anger King Bear further as he tried even more ruthlessly to connect an attack on his foe. Jane dodged the strikes, connecting a few hits of her own between dodging.

The crowd was going wild. Annie was positively in love, watching her hero dominate this intimidating enemy. Jane connected with a few more blows to King Bear's sizable skull. Fueled by the cheers of her adoring fans, Jane took her eyes off of her opponent to smile at the crowd. This mistake would prove costly as King Bear seized the opportunity to connect a big boot kick to Jane's face. Jane fell flat to the mat as Bear waited to pounce. Bear grabbed Jane by the throat and hit her with one of his signature moves, the King Slam, a modified chokeslam in which he grabs his opponent and leaps in the air before crashing down to the mat with them. Annie was in shock. The crowd booed as King Bear attempted to pin Hurricane Jane.

One! Two! Th--

The crowd's boos were replaced with a roar of cheers as Hurricane Jane got her shoulder off of the mat and kicked out from under King Bear's impressive weight. Bear couldn't believe it. He tried to argue with the referee, but the ref reiterated that the match would continue despite King Bear's protests. Jane was still in the fight.

Desperate to end the match, King Bear prepared to hit Jane with his finishing maneuver, the Bear Claw; an incredibly strong punch that would knock most men out cold. He clenched his fist and prepared, waiting for Jane to make it to her feet. Jane stood and turned to face Bear as he launched his final attack. Jane leaned back and dodged the move, Bear's giant fist flying over her head. King Bear's momentum carried him forward as he fell into the ring ropes behind Jane. Bounding off of the ropes toward Jane, King Bear was met with a Hurricane Kick to the face. King Bear spun around like a graceless ballerina and crashed hard into the mat. Jane covered Bear and the referee made the count as the crowd chanted along.

ONE!!! TWO!!! THREE!!!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

The crowd roared in approval as the ring announcer confirmed Hurricane Jane's victory. Annie was overcome with emotion as her hero had once again vanquished an enemy. She couldn't be happier. Nothing has ever been more clear to her in her life. Annie needed Hurricane Jane. She couldn't explain it, she just knew it to be so.

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