Tag thingy

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I was tagged by checkers65

If this has a lot of typos or sentences not making any sense that's just autocorrect being a bitch

I haven't been writing lately (I have a draft but I never bothered continuing it) and its because I've been being a huge weeb lately.

I was never really a fan of anime ot manga but uh........once you try it once you can never go back.....

Ive been reading so much manga (specifically shounen-ai) that I asked my super weeb friend for manga recommendations and know already knew all of the things he gave.......I have no life...

Anyways on to the tag

Anyways on to the tag

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1. I. Cant. Name. Stuff. I'm very indecisive so most of my accounts have that its an array of: icantnamedis, icantnamestuff, namingstuffishard,howtonamethings And many many more

2. Real novel- another day (I don't really have the patience to sit down and read a book so I tend to forget a lot of the books I read. Out of all the books I've half read I only finished about three)

Wattpad book-favorable by WhizzerMyMan (it is seriously so good its one of the only Wattpad books that hit me emotionally and made me read the sequel)

Manga-it has to be a tie between sonna me de mite kure and  hidamari ga kikoroeru (I know manga isn't really a book but screw you)

3. Dont have one. It changes by my mood so *shrug* my longest icon was a baby Hamilton au by bunny yams? (I think that's the name idk)

4. Fanfics. But I used to write originals outside of Wattpad (I don't let anyone read them)

5. Okay so I don't know what kind so I'll do both

Wattpad books- favorable/critical by WhizzerMyMan  (its honestly so good it was hard putting my Phone down)

checkers65 Hamilton oneshots. They are so good. She keeps saying that some of them are bad but they are all so good

Could I be enough by inheritingdreams (its so good, I've read this about three times already)

I'm sure there are better ones I've read but these were the ones I remembered.

Novels- everything-everything by Nicola Yoon (the book is WAY better than the movie) she also has another book called the sun is also a star but I haven't had the patience to read it.

The boy no one loved by Casey Watson (its so bittersweet)

Another day/everyday by David levithan (its not really a sequel its more of two books of the same event but from different perceptives)

6. Secret? Uh what uh I guess this Wattpad is a secret. I barely go to this account because I've been caught by my mom and she really isn't a fan of interacting with people online so I had to pretend that I deleted this......

I don't know if thats what the question meant.

7. We_are_not_okay

I legit just scrolled through my following lust and clicked on random people

I like these tags these are fun. I want more people to tag me lol even if no one reads them making them is fun

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