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During the beginning and the end,  they were there watching all time. They who were everything and everywhere but nothing at the same time.
They were the sisters three, the incarnation of destiny.
[Moirai] was their collective,  the so  called white-robed apportioners
Clotho,  the Spinner, who spins the thread of life from her distaff to her spindle.  She is the beginning and birth.
Lachesis,  the Alloter, who measures the thread of life with her measuring rod and reads their destiny.  She is the disposer and the will.
Atropos,  the Unturning, whose abhorred shears cut the thread of life.  She is the inevitable and death.
They were simply [The Fates]
They should be neutral, the immovable faction of the predetermined. Sought out by all to see their success and right path yet feared by all when warned of their doom and tragedy.
There was pity and sadness where they should have hardened their resolve to see the end of their age.
They saw the Age of Man,  the challenge of the impossible.
They were selfish,  greedy and they wanted to see it in all its glorious wretched beauty.
They can't for they are tied to the gods.
They decided then that if that is the reason why they cannot see that world,  then they will drag them all to freedom.
The Taboo
Gods don't have souls but Essence.
They who saw the Beginning of the World thought of a fitting solution.
Accumulation of Karma
A thousand life worth from those Essence can create a soul. They made a loop and created the taboo.
To create humans out of the fallen gods
But really no one can judge them guilty.  There were no more gods and thus there were no rules for them to heed.

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