Didney chadle flouw

176 7 7

~=lil Tay
-=Logan Paul
/=Jake Paul

"Donald and Tay if you think you've won my friends you are DEAD wrong". Said the cat before he stopped and listened to what sounded like a song.

There was a song playing in the distance. What could it be? The cat turned around there was no one to be seen! Then suddenly a boy jumped out from behind a log.

-Did someone say dead? Is it a body that I can vlog?- it was Logan Paul in his alien hat, and in the bushes was his brother, waving to the cat.

/The song was from me! Jake Paul that's right Ho! It's a song by team 10 it's called every day bro/

The cat thought to himself, and he thought some more. He hated the song, it made his fuzzy ears sore. Maybe If Jake sang the song to little Tay, she'd hate it and cry and give up and even play!

"What a great song Jake" the cat said in a time Happy and gay. "Would you sing it to that girl? It's my friend Lil Tay".

Jake looked at Lil Tay and he sighed a deep sigh. /I can't sing that song to her, let me tell you why! She's only 9 years old she's to young to hear a cuss/

The girl frowned and said ~I do what I want! I don't give a fuck ~

Logan laughed and said -Tay you're one cool kid-

To that she said ~Fuck off alien, go make another vid.
Oh wait! you can't, you were demonitized, because in your last video you committed a crime~

This made Logan Paul very angry indeed -I'm not taking shit from a girl who can't even read-

Jake didn't like fighting and he didn't like stress so he started singing the song but then he forgot the rest.

"Jake you fool how did you forget your own song?"

/I sang all the other lines, Tessa Brooks sings this one!!!/

Cat's plan didn't work! the song didn't phase her. He looked over at Donald who was building a laser.

"Donald J Trump what do you plan to do?"

$Build a wall, guarding me from the Mexicans and you$

"Donald Trump! That is racist! In case you did not know! You can't hate all Mexicans! I say give them a go!".

Donald looked at the cat with a look not so sweet, he picked up his phone and he began to tweet

"Thank you Kanye, For being so cool! I need your help in defeating these fools!!!!".

The cat gave a gasp "NO NOT  Kanye West"

$yes! Out of all black men Kanye is the best$

"Why'd you bring his race into it?" The cat mumbled under his breath

$p.s bring Kim because she has nice breasts$

Jake started to get nervous. A fight would happen without a doubt.
Logan was ready for the action and whipped the camera out.

"Oh boy" the cat thought "this isn't good at all! I need some help from my good pal Gumball".

To Bee continued.

((((Ps. I hate Logan and that stupid video! I'm not making a joke out of the situation just the way he handled it plz don't come for me it's just a meme))))

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2018 ⏰

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LIL TAY VS THE CAT IN THE HAT Where stories live. Discover now