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Lance practically vibrates out of his skin with excitement during the first two periods of the day. Keith rolls his eyes when he refuses to tell Pidge what's up, but is secretly excited himself. And nervous. Hunk and Matt already know, but admitting it to them for real is a lot scarier than being figured out. Hunk was the one who'd called Unknown "creepy" in the first place, after all, and Matt had never seemed too big a fan, either. What if they decide to reject him, after all?

Lance reaches over and squeezes his hand comfortingly, and Keith remembers the way they'd kissed a few nights ago. Lance didn't reject Unknown, he thinks. You're worrying too much. Everything will be okay.

The bell rings, and Lance looks at him excitedly while simultaneously shoving papers into his backpack. "Are you ready?" he asks, voice dripping with anticipation.

"I guess," Keith says, but he can't help the grin that spreads across his face at Lance's excitement. "Come on, Pidge already suspects that we're up to something."

"You can say that again," Pidge says, her head appearing on Lance's other side. "What am I, invisible?"

"Of course not!" Lance exclaims, though he still looks guilty. "Sorry, Pidge. Let's go to lunch. We can explain there."

The three of them head out of the classroom and towards the lockers, where Hunk and Matt are waiting. Hunk smiles at Keith, but his expression wavers when he looks over at Lance. Keith glances over as well, noting how Lance suddenly looks pale.

"Did you make up with Hunk after we talked?" he asks, remembering Hunk's comments from last Friday. They'd fought about Unknown, but he hasn't heard anything about them making up.

Lance shakes his head and swallows nervously. "We talked over the messenger a little earlier," he admits quietly, "but it was all in the heat of the moment. I don't know if he'll forgive me after I said all that stuff about not trusting him."

"Hey," Keith says, resting a hand on Lance's shoulder and leaning close to him so Pidge doesn't hear. "I'm sure he'll understand. He was just trying to protect me, and you didn't know that at the time."

"I know, I know." Lance looks even more worried as they stop in front of Hunk, who glances at Keith questioningly. Keith nudges Lance forward, trying to act reassuring and not let his nervousness show. He already feels awful about getting between Lance and Hunk, and he'd feel even worse if his secret did any permanent damage to their friendship.

Lance shuffles in front of Hunk awkwardly, then clears his throat. "I'm sorry about all that stuff I said to you last week," he begins. "I didn't know why you were acting the way you were, and I guess I just jumped to conclusions."

"It's not like you were wrong," Hunk offers with a warm smile. "And I know you were going through a rough time. I should have tried harder to be there for you, but I was kinda dealing with some stuff at home."

"Don't try to take the blame, man," Lance says, shaking his head. "I'm the one who was being unreasonable. I'm sorry I said that I didn't trust you. You know I do--with everything. You're my best friend."

"And you're mine, too, you know."

Matt frowns at Keith questioningly. Keith mouths I'll explain later and hopes he understands.

"So," Lance says, looking at Hunk hopefully. "Am I forgiven? I know that I suck, and I promise, I'll never blow up at you like that again. You're more to me than just some... I don't know, some punching bag or something."

"I know that," Hunk says with a playful roll of his eyes. "And you're totally forgiven. If I get to hear about what happened on Friday."

"Yeah, what did happen on Friday?" Pidge asks, raising her eyebrow. "I didn't hear much after Keith went on that wild goose chase looking for you."

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