Bonus Chapter

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-Bonus Chapter-

Bonus Chapter: Flashback

(All Italic)

"Clarissa, your father wants to talk to you," her mother told her once she got home. Her mom is the only one who calls her by her full name, everybody else calls her Clare.

"Okay, mom," she replied heading to her dad's office.

"Hey dad, mom said you wanted to talk to me," she said once she got in his office.

"Yes. Please sit down Clare," her dad said to her, motioning to the sit infront of him and she quietly obeyed.

"What is it you wanted to talk about, dad?" She asked her father nervously.

"I'm going to tell you something, but please Clare try to understand," her dad pleaded and once he said that, her heart started to beat rapidly. What could it be that he wanted to talk about?

"Your mother and I decided to put you in an arranged marriage." Her dad told her.

"What?!" She shouted.

"Please Clare, let me explain," her dad pleaded her once more.

"My company is failing and it gone bankrupt because the employees I trusted betrayed me and stole all my money. The only person who could save my company is Raymond Courtise. But in business, there is no such thing as free. And in return he wanted you and his son to get married." His father explained.

"What?!" She shouted in disbelief.

"W-who am I going to marry?" She asked him nervously.

"Alexander Courtise."

That name sent shivers down her spine.

-End of Bonus Chapter-

*So this chapter is really short but trust me guys, I have written a long one with all the wedding vows and stuff but it got removed for some unknown reason and I really don't feel like writting it again and those^^ on the top were the only ones that are left while the rest of the chapter got deleted.

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