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Hey there reader! It's Wendy with another book I'll never finish! (Like we really need another one 🙄).

This is Tony Stark one shots. Lots of angst. Lots of fluff. I take requests if you wanna send me one, just know it will most likely take me a month or so to write cos I'm slow.

⚠️⚠️I don't own any of the images, drawings, memes, etc. that might be in this story unless I state otherwise. All the characters belong to Marvel unless I randomly create an OC. I don't know. We'll see. ⚠️⚠️

Feel free to comment what you like or don't like, and like always, I love the criticism. If you see something that can be better, please, I am literally begging you, tell me. I can't improve if I don't know what to improve on!!

None of the art in this is mine!! All credit goes to the amazing artists!

After every chapter I ask 5 questions! Answer or don't answer, it's up to you. This is just so ya know.

Okay enough with the boring stuff! Onward!

Tony Stark One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now