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⚠️WARNING⚠️ This chapter contains an anxiety attack and may be triggering. I don't want anyone to be harmed while reading this so please be aware. Anxiety attacks are a serious thing and are not to be taken lightly. If you aren't sure then just skip ahead.


Pepper sighed and glanced at the clock. It was late. Extremely late. Tony was still in his workshop, even though it was 4 a.m, and she decided she'd had enough. He was always in that shop and she was sick of it.

"Tony?" She entered the room a bit cautiously, glancing around.

She couldn't see him so she walked around. She peered around a work table to see Tony sitting on the ground, his head on his knees. His breathing was rapid and his knuckles where white as he grasped tightly to his shirt.

" want to come to bed?" Pepper placed a hand gently on his shoulder.

Tony jumped, frightened by her touch. His eyes were wide and his breathing was extremely quick. He looked pale and he had sweat glistening in his forehead.

"Pepper," he gasped out, clutching his chest. "I've still got a few hours of work." He stood and grabbed a small tool off of the table.

"Tony come to bed. It's late and you look exhausted," Pepper said softly.

"No, no. I have to...finish..." Tony's face was pale and covered in sweat. "I have another way to make it better,"

He closed his eyes quickly and breathed out sharply. Pepper wrapped her arms around him, laying her head against his chest. She could hear how fast his heart was pumping, and feel how rapidly he was inhaling and exhaling.

"Hey, hey. Just calm down. It's okay, I promise," she whispered to him. He placed his arms carefully around her and leaned his face into her neck. He was extremely shaky.

"I can't Pepper. I can't," he whispered to her.

"You can't what?"

"I can't lose you because I can't protect you. You have to stay safe," he sounded panicked.

"Tony, Tony, I'm safe. I'm right here, safe and sound. It's alright, just breathe," Pepper reassured him, making him look her in the eye.

He leaned his head on her shoulder, holding onto her arms.

"I love you Pepper," he said after taking a moment to calm himself. "I can't live without you."

Pepper held him tightly as he stopped shaking and his breathing became even.

"I love you too Tony."



How old are you?

Have you ever heard of fry sauce?

What's your favorite color?

Gummy bears or gummy worms?

On a scale of 1-10, 10 being great, 1 being bad, how much do you like McDonald's?

I think this could be more angsty because that's  what I was going for, but I'm too tired to make it better. I think this ending was nice, but not strong enough. All well, I guess.

School is finally out (for me, at least)!! This summer is going to be really busy for me, between moving and all the travel. I won't be able to update often, but I will be writing, so every time I'm in WiFi I'll upload something.

Anywhoos, I was thinking about making an Instagram account for my Wattpad account, but I'm not sure if anyone would actually look at it, so lemme know what you think!

Bye mini dragons!

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