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Artemis Patterson

I stared blankley at the raven haired boy I like to call my best friend as he spoke about the last day of school. Summer was his favorite season and he loved to do many things during the season. "Artemis? Are you even listening to me?" He snapped me out of my thoughts easily, I blinked a few times staring into his blue green eyes. "yeah, yeah, yeah summer big plans..." I smiled, "it's same old same old every year Ry." I continued. He stared back at me for what seemed like forever and he couldn't help but smile ever so slightly.

"Artemis I want this summer to be different. Don't you think we could do something..." He paused letting his eyes glow with happiness, "bigger! and better!" He jumped up on his bed putting both his arms up almost balencing himself crouching down slightly. "This needs to be our summer Art! Picture it!" He jumped up and down falling with a thud. "I am okay."

I let out a laugh helping my best friend up from the ground. "Ryder it's always 'our' summer every year it has been since we were 4. What else can we possibly do that we haven't done already?" I asked, he looked at me like it was some dumb question that I shouldn't have asked. "Artemis I want to go to places that aren't in town or a few states over! I got my truck and I think just you and me, we do not tell Tyler cause he is gonna beg to come. We travel. Like we planned when we were kids." the toothy grin he gave me had me thinking.

Ryder has a point, ever since we were 7 years old we dreamed of traveling the world together just us. If he really wanted too and he really felt this way about it, I think we should do it. I smiled looking up at him, "lets do it!" I yelled smiling.

"Yes!" he picked me up smiling. That's the thing about Ryder and I, no matter what happens in life he looks on the bright side and looks to me for help. He was always ready for adventure and had to have me come along cause if I wasn't there it wasn't nearly as fun. He was the best and he helped me through a lot I have done the same to him. After a 13 year friendship you learn a lot about who the person is, fear, happiness, weakness, strength. We are leaving our junior year of high school in just one week. Every year people say, Ryder and I will either become this power couple or we will drift apart. But we prove them wrong.

I'm the captain of the girls basketball team and he is to the boys so people say that we would be a power couple.


"So I was thinking we start off here in Maine, then make our way down South then towards the West then make it through the states in the middle." He grinned, he was so into this and I loved it he puts his mind to something and doesn't stop till he gets it.

"Alright seems legit." I cracked a smile and he looked at me, "I love you Art, you're the greatest person ever and the best best friend ever." he gushed and i hugged him.

"Lets go. Funtown isn't gonna wait for us and I want to hit every ride." I smiled standing up. Maybe it was the way the light hit Ryder's eyes or maybe it was the fact that his eyes change color so much but his eyes seemed more green and a lot prettier than nomral and his smile was so much bigger than normal. I don't know what it was.

We walked downstairs and he opened the door letting me step outside and the heat washed over me I loved the way it felt and I made my way to Ryder's truck geting in shutting the door with a loud slam. He got in the drivers side turning the key letting the engine roar loudly as we set off on our adventure.

"When the sun goes down! Over the water! Everything gets hotter when the sun goes down!" we both sang loudly not at all in tune either. "this is why we are friends cause we can sing songs like idiots and not give a shit what people say about it." i laughed he did too.

The car ride was filled with games we made up and us singing and laughing which were the moments i cherished the most with Ry the ones where it was just us and we didn't have a care in the world. It was just me and him against the world. The way it has always been. The way I want it to be forever me and Ryder, driving, singing, laughing, talking... it's all i could ask for and more, and it is all i need from now until my last dying breath. Cause my best friend is one that I could never take for granted.

I looked over at him and smiled as he grabbed my hand and raised them both then letting go dancing around in his seat. "which ride first?" he rose his brow not taking his eyes off the road.

"mouse trap?" I asked and he nodded. "wanna give me whiplash I see?" I let out a loud laugh, he isn't the biggest fan of the mouse trap. But I am so he goes on it for me. "Yes... Yes I am." he smiled.

"Well if we have to go on that you have to go on the dragons decent with me 3 times in a row." he smirked, "you're on" i said with confidence.

We pulled into funtown. "let the fun begin." i smirked getting out of the truck. "lets go!" I yelled as Ryder just sat in the truck staring at me. "Ry?" I opened the door and he snapped out of his thoughts in a split second. "Sorry zoned out" he let out a dry laugh stepping out of his old pick up truck and walked towards the enterance.

Authors Note

Hey guys new book! so I am actually loving this book it is only th first chapter but still!! So above or to the side either or... would be Artemis! every chapter you will see a picture of either Artemis or Ryder, whom will be the only point of views in this story. this book is something im excited to write and to show to you all. xoxoxo

MasterpieceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora