17 1 5

Ryder Bailey

"Sorry zoned out." I let out a dry laugh getting out of my beat up pick up truck that was once my fathers and walked towards the entrance of funtown. Artemis must've thought it was weird me staring at her the way I did, I couldn't help myself. The freckles that are scattered across her cheeks and nose were so beautiful, her green eyes lit up with how excited she was, her dark long brown hair went everywhere having a mind of its own. But her smile that was the best part of all of it. She was beautiful and I wish I could tell her. But it would make everything weird which I can't let happen. I draped my arm over her shoulder as we walked. People stared at us and ignored them well at least Artemis did. I couldn't.

"Art do you ever wonder why everyone stares at us?" I questioned, she looked at me puzzled, her eyebrows furrowed it was adorable.

"Well it could be the fact we are two teenagers boy and girl, and nobody thinks that a guy and girl can be best friends like us." Yeah, best friends, I wish we were more than that but I know it won't ever happen.

"True." I nodded in agreement. She smiled as we got our bracelets and went in. "To the mouse trap!" She yelled putting her arm up as she started to run.

"Miss, please walk. This is funtown not run town." Artemis stopped and laughed at what the employee had said. "Sorry, my dude." She gave him a finger gun motion indicating she's uncomfortable, and that she feels awkward and wants to get out of the conversation faster than she got into it. The employee nodded once and she walked away about 5 feet in front of me.

"Artemis slow down." I yelled to her chuckling not trying to catch up being lazy. "Slow is for losers!" She let out a loud laugh flipping me off. I jogged over to her and I was out of breath.

I am really out of shape and don't plan on getting in shape... like I'm built nicely persay like I workout on occasion, but hardly ever, I look like I workout on a daily basis according to Artemis' brother Tyler.

"Fatty." She smirked poking my stomach. "Listen Linda" I paused putting my hand on my hip, "I am not a fatty, I am a god." I said in the most serious tone I could.

"You're not a god... I am a goddess." She smiled like she won this argument, "just because your name is Artemis doesn't mean you're a goddess." I retorted. She pouted in a cute manner.

"That's rude as fuck." She said. "Well don't call me a fatty." I shrugged letting my eyes travel around the park to the direction of the ride.

We walked towards the mouse trap and there was barley any line. We stood in line at the ride I always dreaded to ride on, due to my back and neck because of sports. She had no idea that it hurt me to go on it, I won't tell her either because I know she loves it. "Damn look at the line for the astrosphere it's so long." She pointed out to me.

"Always is." I smiled moving up the line. "That's true." She looked at me with her bright green eyes that I fell in love with 2 years ago. "Ry look! We're next!" She let out a girly squeal and jumped up and down.

"I see." I smiled she was so happy it was the cutest. "How many?" The employee asked I replied "two." She nodded and opened the gate. "First cart up there." We walked over and got in the 4 seated cart and we buckled up the seat and pulled the lap bar down. The employee pulled down the lap bar in back of us. "Alright have fun guys." Art cheered loudly and I did as well but I wasn't excited like Artemis was.

We went up a semi-big hill and when we hit the top we hit a sharp turn and I was thrown around our seat with each sharp turn, my back had started hurting immensely and whimpered but Artemis hasn't noticed. We took one last sharp turn into the station and my back cracked loudly and I groaned. "That was awesome!" Artemis yelled, "wasn't it?!?" She asked I smiled and nodded "yeah let's go to a different ride." I got out of the cart when the lap bars lifted up. My back was killing me. It hurt so bad but there wasn't much I could do about it.

"Ry are you okay?" Artemis asked. I told her I was butI was lying each step I took made my back hurt more and more it felt like a million tiny needles were poked into my back and it sucked. "Don't lie to me ass munch." I stared at her blankly. "Artemis I swear on my grams grave I'm fine." She nodded. "How about we go on...." She paused to think, "bumper cars!" She yelled in excitement. She knows just how to torture me and I hate it.


After about 20 rides my back hurt so bad and I needed to sit down so I convinced Art to stop and get some food. "What would you like." The lady probably mid 20's asked me as I looked at the menus of endless fried food. I hummed searching for something to eat. "Uhm yeah, can I have 2 slices of pizza, a thing of onion rings, and one fried dough." I requested. The lady punched in numbers on the register smiling up at me "10.45 please." She said in a upbeat tone. I pulled out my wallet and handed her a 20. "She pulled out my change handing it back to me "9.55 is your change. Wait at the window for your food please." I nodded walking to the other window. I leaned back hearing my back crack loudly and I groaned in pain. "here you go." the lady said handing me my food and I walked to the table setting everything down.

"pizza, onion rings, and a fried dough?" I arched my brow and she smiled, "you know me so well."

"Well you are my best friend so I would hope so." I chuckled. "I saw you over there you looked pretty hurt I think we should head home... it is getting pretty late as well." she said looking worried.

"I'm not gonna argue with that one." I chuckled and we started eating. She mowed down on her food loudly, "yo munchie." she averted her eyes to me and I chuckled, "what?" she rose her nicely groomed brow with a mouth full of food "wha?" she looked at me, "chew with your mouth shut nasty ass." i laughed.


We finished our food and headed to my truck as the sun set on our amazing day at funtown spalshtown. It was a fun day even though I hurt myself. The drive was filled with us singing and having fun. "I'll see you tomorrow Art." I smiled as she got out of my car. "I'll see you tomrow Ry Ry." I gave her a hug and she slammed the door and walked to her house.

I drove home and parked my truck in the drive way getting out going to my house. " Dad I'm home!" I shouted, he wasn't though. I shrugged and went upstairs grabbing a cigarette out of pack. That's another thing Artemis doesn't know, I smoke cigarettes. I pressed it to my lips and lit it inhaling the deadly toxin and blowing out smoke going out on my porch outside my bedroom. I laid down on the chair I had set out for myself and continued to smoke my cigarette.

If Artemis ever found out I smoked she would probably kill me, thats if the cigarettes don't do it first. My dad knows I smoke he doesn't like it but he said he wasn't gonna stop me as it was my choice and there wasn't much he could do to stop me because I could just go out of the house and do it or when he isn't home. I think its just something in my opinion helps with everything that has happened in my life. Kinda like pot, I smoke that because of the pain in my back. I had to get surgery on my back a few years ago when Art was at summer camp. I was at football camp and I hurt my back pretty badly and i had to get surgery and I am not a fan of pills so i have a medical marijuana card due to this, Artemis knows I smoke pot and shes cool with it, she does every once in awhile also.

"Ryder come down here!" I hear my dad say from downstairs, sweet hes home. I got up and made my way downstairs to be meeted with the face of my father. "hey dad what's up?" I asked. "I got pizza."

"Awe sweet." I went to the kitchen and grabbed a slice.  "How was your day bud?" He smiled sitting down.

"Amazing my back hurts though." I shrugged,  "go lay down for a while kid." I nodded finishing my pizza and fell asleep. It was such a good day and I'm glad I spent it with the most beautiful and funny girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2018 ⏰

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