Chapter 10 | I Was the Same

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Cassandra had woken up particularly early in the morning to try and get back to her own bed without anyone noticing. It was less of a fear of them not wanting her there, more like she did not want people to assume anything about Daryl. Not that he was in the tent at all that night. 

She checked the stable carefully for any sign of Shane before entering and climbing up to her little room. There, the girl dressed and washed her face and hands, jumping at every sound that did not come from the horses themselves. Curse it! Now even this place did not feel safe...

Nearing mid-morning, Cassandra had finished her chores and been informed of the shenanigans of the previous night with Rick and Glenn missing with Hershel, Lori's disappearance and Shane's subsequent trickery to retrieve her from her one-woman quest to find her husband. All in all, it seemed like a rather eventful night Cassandra was privately glad she had missed out on. She didn't need more drama in her life at the moment. 

Cassandra could hear Rick's group packing up to go search for their leader when the sound of an engine coming up the lane drove the girl outside in curiosity. It was them. They were back safe and sound and she watched the three men getting out of the rusty old red car to greet their loved ones. or hope for a greeting... Maggie ran straight past Hershel to hug Glenn but was brushed off. 

Ugh, the girl thought to herself, more drama.

Rick was about to chastise Lori for going after him as Cassandra approached, wiping her greasy hands on Daryl's do-rag, when T-Dog noticed someone.

"Who the hell is that?" He asked, pointing to the back seat of the car where there was, indeed, a stranger.

Glenn answered. "That's Randall."

The boy looked around Cassandra's age and was blindfolded and unconscious. Everyone approached. A few of them helped Hershel carry him into the shed, where surgery was begun and the others all congregated in the dining room of the farmhouse.

"We couldn't just leave him behind; he would've bled out... if he lived that long. "

"it's gotten bad in town," Glenn added.

"What do we do with him?" Andrea asked just as Hershel reentered, wiping off his hands on a towel. 

"I've repaired his calf muscle best I can but he'll probably have nerve damage. He won't be on his feet for at least a week."

Cassandra's eyes kept darting around at everyone in the room. She noticed Shane and Andrea both looking skeptical, even perturbed.

"When he is, we give him a canteen, take him out to the main road and send him on his way."

"Isn't that the same as leaving him for the walkers?" Clearly, Andrea had no idea how resourceful the injured and alone could be when their very survival was on the line. Perhaps one day she would.

Daryl entered at that point from securing Randall in the shed, presumably.

"He'd have a chance."

"So we're just gonna let him go?" Shane asked sharply. "He knows where we are."

"He was blindfolded the whole way here. He's not a threat."

"Not a threat? How many of them were there?" Shane countered as if Rick had not thought the danger of the kid's group through. "You kill three of their men, you taken one of them hostage and they ain't gonna come looking for him?"

"They left him for dead. No one is looking!"

Shane scoffed.

"We should still post a guard." T-Dog offered.

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