Kissi Names

446 1 0

Sàà - First Born Male

Tàmbà - Second Born Male

Fàyáà- Third Born Male

Fàlà - Fourth Born Male

Nyùmá - Fifth Born Male

Hàlí - Sixth Born Male

Sàà-kòòlì - Seventh Born Male

Tàmbà-kòòlì - Eighth Born Male

Sìà - First Born Female

Kùmbà - Second Born Female

Fìndà - Third Born Female

Téúwá - Fourth Born Female

Yàùwá/Yàwà - Fifth Born Female

Tènè - Sixth Born Female

Sóóná - Seventh Born Female

Félá - Eighth Born Female

Wàñgó - Name given to light skinned female

Sùñmgbóó - ‘fence post’ name given to a stocky man, buff

Sèèñgìáñndó - ‘Arguing Parents’ a child who is born with arguing parents

Pààwàá - ‘Tax’ Child Born during tax time

Fòkpòò - Name given to males during initiation (Poro)

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