knap stone circle

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                                                   Chapter Eight


                                               Knap stone Circle

 Laila was deeply moved by the story of Isla’s demise at the hands of Lhanna, but couldn’t quite comprehend why Ibora would become a servant to the woman who had not only deceived him but took the life of his true love, until Yan began to divulge more.

“After Isla was taken from this world Lhanna became the absolute supreme being, a deity worshipped by millions and holding power over almost every living thing, even the heartbroken Ibora.

By putting him under her spell she made him her consort and a shell of his former self. He was now her slave, forced to search the land for gold and other precious object to appease his rapacious Queen, and in return she gifted him with the shamanic powers to do her bidding. By transforming himself into magpie he was able to move around unnoticed, collecting precious objects as well as spying on anyone with dissenting opinions opposed to the new imperialistic dogma.

The Witches and Wizards, who revered the natural order of things as Isla once did where now considered subversive elements and were hunted down and turned to stone, and their venerated trees burnt to the ground during a dark time in our history known as the Banishing.

“I heard about the Banishing!” said Laila interrupting

“It was a terrible time of persecution. Many were exiled and sought refuge by living like hermits in the remotest parts of the Grayweald”.

“Were they safe there?” asked Laila.

“Well at least they are for the time being. You see after her defeat at Ura valley Lhanna never dare enter the Grayweald again. One can only assume it was through a fear of her presence reawakening Geborga. Even the mere mention of his name would chill her to the core. Only bands of mercenaries raid the Grayweald now, enlisted purely to locate and destroy the venerable world trees.

“So does Geborga live in the Grayweald?” asked Laila.

“I have no idea where he is if I am to be honest? After Ura valley he was never seen again. Some say he still lives beneath Lake Glaslyn and will one day return again, others that he died when Isla departed this world. One thing I do know for sure and that is he is not here anymore. And as long as Lhanna remains unaware of that fact then the Grayweald is safe for now.

Right let’s eat before the pottage ends up turning into cold slurry” he said abruptly dipping some buttered bread into his bowl.

There followed a short interval of clattering spoons in bowls and slurping before the cacophony culminated in Yan belching followed by the exclamation “Delicious!”.

“Did you enjoy that Laila?” he asked.

“Yes it was very nice, thank you Yan”.

“Would you be so kind as to give me a hand with the washing up? Jack is a little bit too big to help out in the kitchen” said Yan collecting the bowls and cutlery from the table.

“Of course” said Laila following him into the kitchen.

The walls of the kitchen were lined with shelves full of glass jars containing herbs and spices and all manner of wild plants and seeds.

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