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1.) No smut/explicit NSFW content, and ESPECIALLY no pedophilia/child porn because those are fucking disgusting. As an extension of this rule, no incest because that is also gross as hell.

2.) Do not force ship anything. This means do not already have the character you are playing as in a relationship (unless they are canonically in one like Rose and Kanaya are) or force your character onto someone else. This goes for both canon character ships and OC/canon ships.

3.) You can't kill anyone- permanently or not- unless given explicit permission.

4.) Traps and genderbends are not allowed. They are both incredibly transphobic.

5.) Lolita and shouta characters (characters that appear as young children but are in actuality much older) are not allowed.

6.) Your character may not be overpowered or be a Mary/Gary Sue. By extension of this, your character cannot be omniscient/nearly omniscient.

7.) You cannot already be at the top of your echeladder or have ascended to God Tier at the start of the RP, unless it makes sense in the context of the setting.  

8.) Your character's God Tier (their class and aspect) must be an actual thing (ex. Knight of Light) and not something made up (ex. Queen of Ice).

9.) Your character may not use abilities/powers that they can't wield or have (ex. a Breath player stealing/manipulating luck or a highblood troll with psychic powers (yeah, I know there are few exceptions like Vriska but I'd rather avoid that unless there is a good reason for it)).

10.) I would like to keep canon character use to a minimum. The only exceptions for this are canon characters who have people assigned to controlling them, or if I bring them into the roleplay out of my own will.  

11.) No ignoring a character's canon sexuality or gender if you roleplay as them or with them.

12.) Please roleplay in third person. If it is hard for you to do that, I will allow first person. Just please, do not use asterisks (these things: *) to roleplay, unless that is your character's typing quirk or something.

13.) Do not use text talk when you roleplay, unless your character is specifically talking/messaging with those shorthand versions of the words.

14.) Do not control any other person's characters but your own. Canon characters are the only exception to this rule unless they have designated people controlling them.  

15.) Do not start RPing until I accept your form.

16.) You MAY NOT use other people's art minus your own for your character. I DO NOT allow any form of repackaging or art theft on my roleplays. It is incredibly inconsiderate and awful to do this, and it hurts the original artist of the work. Most artists do not allow reposting of their art, especially if it is to be used as another person's character design- and they certainly wouldn't want it to happen if the art is of an OC they crafted themself. Even if you credit the artist, I still do not allow this. So please, if you already do this, stop doing it at once.

Also, you may never use a character's design from another work, even if it is official art. The only exception to this rule is if you will be specifically roleplaying as that character.

The only things I WILL accept is:
• You linking/posting art YOU RIGHTFULLY OWN. This either means you drew the art OR it is a gift/commission/art trade piece.

• A character created in a character creator, such as the many ones Rinmaru Games has. (Please link back to the source of the creator you made it with, though).

• A typed out description of your character.

This rule still applies in tags.

Seriously. Typing something up isn't that hard. Using a character creator is not that hard. And doing that sure as Hell makes your original character a lot more original than art theft would entail. How can you even call a character "your own," if you didn't do the bare minimum to design something, rather than steal some art? Ah, yeah, that's right. You can't. You can't because it isn't fucking your design. It's not yours at all.

If you read that rule, please put the word "Safely" in your form, at the very bottom of it. If you put this password into your form yet still break this rule, I will simply ignore your form.

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