Now or never again

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(Still Mitch's pov)

"Where did she go!?" They asked me until Jerome betrayed me and pointed the direction.

"Thank you now let's go" I stepped in front of the guy.

"You can't have her" They laughed which triggered me. I shoot ice shard at them. They barely dodged them. Jerome gasped and looked at me. Wasn't his fault but I was mad

"You...Liar! "I yelled at him and threw a ice shard at him. he dodged. I built a wall of Ice and kept pushing it back they weren't strong enough to push it forward. I heard my sister come out of the bushes

"MITCH!" She and my little brother yelled and as I turned back I saw a man hit my head. I was loosing blood fast.

"Foolish CHILD you can never stop the government . " he stepped forward to my sister and brother. My brother cowered behind my sister. My sister knew how to fight but this guy seemed to strong. I weakly got up and took the ax out of my hood. just to scare the guy I dragged the ax making a horrible sound that he obviously scaring the poor guy.

"Leave now and or regret later... your choice... Aunty!" my aunt appeared .

"What's wrong Mitchy?" She looked horrified.

"This man tried to kill me and take Kristy and Mikey!" I pouted like a little child.

"Oh you'll regret that bitch" My aunt walked forward to him. I flashed him a evil grin.

"Wait Aunty!?" She turned to me. "yes Mitchy?" She smiled kindly.

"Could I tell the man something?" I fiddled with my fingers like a child.

"Of course!" She chirped. I stopped and looked at him.

"Your choice leave or pay" he ran scared to the car everyone jumping in. They drove away so fast me and Nightmare laughed. I felt light headed. I was stumbling.

"Mitch?" I heard Nightmare question me. I fell but right before falling I felt Jerome catch me. My vision was getting blurry.

"No no no no no! please Im sorry I love you! Don't ! please don't leave." Was all I heard before I fainted.


-_- Yesh! you will see harharhar

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