newFreind ship

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it was lunch.  pennies was sitting next to the only peraon to ever care about him, rick.  "so, how was the hospidal?"  asked dpennywis.  "it was okay, but only bc u were their ;)"  pen bluched.  "ohh, well, um, ha ha lol i dk how to respond to that rick."  Rick grabbedpennywieses hand.  "you don't have 2"  said rick.  Penniewse bluched even moar.  "oh, ricc...😩"  rick was moving closr to penniwge, but then a milk came flieing in the air and hit pennywise.  "OwoWo thAt hurtttt >///<!"  exclaimed penniewse.  "HEY! WHO DID THAT!!!!1!!" screamed rick/.  " XDDDDD" said patrick satr. "well well, look at this!  your our of the hosdidal!"  "ya i am!  and I'm pisse at u! ur such an a**hole!"  *GASP!* everyone gasped, rick swore!!!1!!11  Patrick looked realllllly mad this tim!  "EXCUSE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  yelled patrick.  "I've had enoujh of u and pen, or whatever tf his name is.  now ur gonna actual diy!"  then mrs frizzle caem to the rescue.  "ENOUEH OF THIS!  Patrick star, u are expelled!"  'WHAT"  yelled patrick.  "NO U CANT DO THAT PLS!  sponge bob will be sooooooo mad with me!!!"  "I'm sorry patrick, but you almost killed rick and now u say u gonna kill rick and pennywise!"  said mrs frizzle.  "omggg ur so maen!!!!"  said patrick, as he was being dragged out of the schiol.  

gtjnjdf High School | Pennywise The Dancing Clown x Rick SanchezWhere stories live. Discover now