<>Chapter 2<>

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The past couple weeks of school wasn't as bad as the first. people began to finally ignore me. I could feel their stares, but at least they continued their conversations as they looked. Charlie has continued giving me rides to school, with no complains or pitiful questions. And I liked that.

I guess Charlie was some amazing photographer. But I couldn't really see them. He described them to me. And took lots of pictured of me. Sometimes I get to take pictures, but only with his help, and most the time its probably a wall. He has lots of friends, and everyone loves him. I try to keep our conversations in the cars only, and sometimes he sees me by my locker. I just don't want his reputation tampered with mine. He's a good guy, and has an awesome reputation with an awesome boyfriend. I don't want to ruin that.

Schools a drag. Like a gross prostitute taking a long slow painful drag of her filthy cigarette. That's what school felt like. Long, slow, and painful. But it had to be done so one day you could get money. I mean, in school you don't get it right away. But going to school can get you a good job, giving you money. unfortunately for me, I wouldn't get a good job. I just get disability. I'd be sucking off other people for the rest of my life. I can't do anything by myself.

I hated feeling so helpless. I needed help will almost everything. And that was the worst. I was sick of getting pity. I just wanted to be normal. Like everyone else. I didn't need to be that girl that disappeared when I was a kid and then randomly showed up. I just wanted to be like everyone else. I wanted to be able to live on my own with no help. go to parties, have fun. See mountains, and lakes and grass and babies and couples kiss and people die and be born and a million other things people take granted to see.

"Aria, you cool?" Charlie asked.

"What? oh yeah, I'm fine."

"You were out of it, hahaha."

"That happens a lot." I said blushing.

"Well I'll see you tomorrow." He said, breaking the silence.

"Bye." I said getting out. He let Leo out and I went inside.

"Lorin! where are my glasses?!" My grandpa cried in frustration.

"Honey I-"

"They're on the table by your rocking chair. that's where they always are papa." I said quietly.

"...oh, there they are. Thank you sweet pea."

We all stood there in awkward silence for moment and then I heard the T.V. click on.

"Aria, go get your violin, your lesson is soon."

I nodded and let Leo lead me into my room to get my case.

Violin, even though it was much harder for me to learn, was almost an escape. It was hard to play, but when I played a chord or note right, it felt like a huge achievement. My therapist encouraged it, so my grandma continued to spend unnecessary money on me. So I could try to be happy.

It was a small low budget place with Krissy K, a woman who had a passion for music and could play anything you handed her. She was patient and bright. So bright I almost felt like I could see her.

The lesson today was okay. I learned another note, and she even bought me Braille music. I even figured out how to play a measure or two.

"Good job today Aria! You really are improving." she said.

"Thanks," I said offering her a small smile back.

Drums and guitars were heard in the background, they were loud.

"Those kids. Great musicians, all of them, but so loud!"

"Great," I replied. "Well I have to go, my Nana is probably waiting for me."

"See you next week!" Miss K said cheerfully.

I let Leo lead me to the car, and grandma helped us in.

"How was it?" she asked.

"Good." I replied.

"Well I'm glad."

The rest of the day was the same. Try to read a little, take a shower, brush Leo and take of his harness, then get ready for bed.

Then I sleep, have a horrible nightmare, and wake up in the morning.

But that night I didn't have a nightmare.

I dreamed of Xavier.

I dreamed of what he would look like, and what it would feel like if he kissed me, or have him hold me and say he loves me and call me beautiful even when I'm not.

He was the guy of my dreams.

And I'd never see him.

I rolled out of bed when I had to and got ready for school. I pulled out another scarf and long sleeve shirt with leggings and knee high boots. I hoped I matched. is like to think I did. I grabbed my bag and put on a bandana for Leo. I think he liked them.

He barked happily and led me downstairs. Nana gave some toast which I picked at. After I got about a bite or two eaten I got up and went to Charlie's car, who waited where it always did.

"Hey Aria."

"Hey." I said.

"I hope you don't mind if I brought Jack, my boyfriend." He introduced.

"No, I don't mind."

"You still have shot gun," Charlie replied. He put Leo in the back.

"Hi boy," a voice said in the back, chuckling.

"Sit Leo," I commanded.

I heard him situate himself in the back the Jack.

The rest of the car ride was a quiet exempt for the slight flirting between the couple. I then said goodbye like usual and headed to my locker to grab the line folder in there, with my reading info and a bit of my math stuff.

I felt like a kindergartner.

"Hey cutes," Xavier said flirtily.

"Um, hi," I said shyly. Wow, smooth A.

"So I have a question for your pretty lips to answer," he continued.

I blushed. He called my lips pretty!

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Wanna go on a date?"

He asked you on a date! I screamed to myself.

"Um...yeah, sure. Id like that. A lot."


Hi guys! :)I just posted a chapter of Found Frozen, so check that out too!:) I hope you liked the second chapter:) Vote, comment, fan!!! Love ya!

Let me know if you can see this!!! I'm trying to figure out why readers can't see it....I just republished!


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