My mentor

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She was singing back up for Brenda

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She was singing back up for Brenda. Mariah was nervous. It wasn't the first time singing for her but Tommy Mottola is gonna be there. A big time music producer. This is her big shot to wow him and hopefully get a deal. She was tired of singing back up, being poor, working no money jobs. She wanted to be star or something close to it. What she really wanted was to live comfortably. God gave her a gift and she was gonna use it to the best of her ability.

"Mariah, Tommy out there you got your tape with you?" Brenda asked her.

Mariah checked around in her pockets. It wasn't there. She knew for sure she brought it with her ' shit where the fuck is it'. "Let me check my bag" she told Brenda. She hurried across the room for her bag, digging through it she couldn't find it 'why do I have so much shit in this'.

Mariah tilted her bag upside down and let everything fall from it. The tape fell right on top. "Yes!" Mariah screamed.

"Give it to me, so I can give it to him. Knowing Tommy he'll probably leave before the show starts" Brenda rushed her

Mariah couldn't be more grateful to have Brenda in her life. Brenda left the room. That gave Mariah the perfect opportunity to pray and thank God for everything he has done for her. 'Tonight's the night' she thought to herself.

The show was over but there was a little after party. Mariah was at the bar sipping her drink.

"So did she give Tommy the tape" Tricia asked her.

Tricia is another who sings back up for Brenda. Real pretty girl, Short,Vanilla skin, blonde hair,blue eyes, button nose,petite frame and busty boobs. If she wasn't so short she could be a super model.
Mariah turned her head. Trying to catch a glimpse of  the producer. He was talking and laughing with Brenda. Mariah bit her lip out of nervousness. Mariah turned her head back around  sighing she replied "I don't know"

Tricia gasped "Mariah their coming this way,stop slouching. Stand up straight"

Mariah turned her head to see if  Tricia was telling the truth and she was. 'Shit' Mariah smoothed down her outfit and curly hair. Mariah and Tricia pretended to be in conversation. Someone cleared their throat. Mariah looked at them smiling big.

"Tommy this is the wonderful talented Mariah I was telling you about" Brenda said

Tommy shot Mariah a charming smile. Tommy had his eye on her as soon as he saw her.

Tommy held out his hand for Mariah to shake.

"It's very nice to meet you Mr.Mottola" Mariah beamed

"Please call me Tommy, Brenda gave me your tape. I'll let you know what I think about it"

"Ehh." Mariah squealed

Everyone looked at her with raised eyebrows.

Mariah cleared her voice

"I mean.. ahhh great,thanks"

Tommy laughed "no problem,I'll talk to you soon Mariah, Ladies enjoy the rest of you're night"
When he was out of sight the girls screamed.

"Mariah you're about to blow up" Tricia screamed

"You think he'll like it? It might not be that good" Mariah question

"Woman if he pass you up,he's an deaf untalented producer, who know jack shit about music" Tricia replied simply.

What Brenda didn't know that her career was about to die and Mariah's was about to blossom . Mariah was on a high that no one could take her down from.
"Whitney, you hear they comprising you to that girl Mariah" a friend of hers said

"Mariah? Mariah is that little white girl" Whitney said

"She ain't white. She's black , biracial" her friend chuckled

Whitney scoffed and rolled her eyes "Yea what ever she is, she ain't me and can't be compared to me"

"Wouldn't it be dope for y'all to do a duet together" her friend asked.

Whitney thought about it for bit. She gives credit when it's due. Mariah had a phenomenal voice, she was a voice to be reckoned with. 'Being good together' Whitney thought. No, they was too different, too different sounds. And what she heard about Mariah wasn't anything good.

Whitney shook her head " no it wouldn't be dope and it's never gonna happen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2018 ⏰

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