Ready to Go

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Your POV:

We got back to Atlanta.

It turns out that Hope and Kelley already started moving to Seattle. I was so caught up in everything with Morgan that I never noticed. The Have Hope location in Seattle opened. They hired workers and the kids started coming in.

The media covered it and everyone who knew the REAL Hope Solo wasn't surprised.

Morgan and I adopted a puppy. A little Corgi. We named him Solo.

We let the kids name him.

I have a few regrets.

We started hiring staff for the Atlanta location and were getting ready to open.

"I hear you're opening up a nice little foster home."

I turned around. "BECKY!" I jumped on her.

"Kid I love you. I missed you. But please do not jump on me."

"Why? Are you too old for it?"

"I'm still as strong as I was. I just don't feel like carrying you right now."

"Right now." Morgan laughed.

"I'll carry you later." Becky patted my shoulder. "So. Heard the news. Have Hope Atlanta." She smiled.

"All cause of Hope." I looked at my mom. "Most of the good things in my life are because of her."

"Like what?"

"Never would've met Morgan if it wasn't for Hope." I smiled.

"Aw cute." Maya smiled. "I'm gonna throw up."

"I'm sick of your shit."

"That makes two of us." Elliot rolled his eyes.

"A few kids are being transferred here as we speak." Colton walked over. "You ready for this?"

"I feel like I was always going to end up back in the system."

"We've come full circle kid." Hope put her arm around me. "Proud of you." She kissed the top of my head.

A car pulled up and kids got out. "Hey guys!" I waved.

"Hi." A young girl waved. "This is our home now?"

"All yours." I smiled. "Nice backyard, let's go check it out." She grabbed my hand.

Colton's POV:

I looked at the little boy in front of me. "Hey there." I kneeled down. "I'm Colton. What's your name?"


"Like Spiderman?"

He smiled. "Yeah! I like Spiderman."

"Really?" He nodded. "Me too! We are gonna be great friends."

"Do you like here too?"

"No my mom is the owner though. I'm gonna be here a lot though." I looked at my mom. She nodded. I took the bag he had. "Let's go get you settled. Get the best room."

Morgan's POV:

The kids that got moved here all got settled in. They all loved the house and the staff. Colton was really bonding with Peter and Derek couldn't stop smiling.

"When are you putting a ring on it." I looked at him.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me." I laughed. "You too have been together for years."

"I know. It's always felt like we already were, we never thought about putting rings on it."

"Well, I hope you know that we love you. You're apart of this family."

"I know. I've felt that way since I first met you guys. Craziest summer ever." He laughed. "I still don't get how AJ tipped over the grill but he did."

"He says Colton tripped him. Colton says Sara threw something at him."

"And I say that our children never learned how to walk properly." Y/N walked over. "The kids are playing games, getting to know each other. Except for Peter. He's with Colton." She looked at Derek. "Do you want children?"

"Yes, I do. He knows I do." He smiled. "You think he's gonna adopt him?"

"I wouldn't be surprised."

"I should probably go meet my future son then?"

"That would be good." We laughed and he walked to find them.

"Look at us." I smiled. "We were fighting and now here we are."

"I always told you." She grabbed my hand. "Love always wins, Morgan. Even through all the fights, I never lost faith that we'd get back to how we were. We're Morgan and Y/N! We've been through some crazy shit, but we're still here. 80 million gunshot wounds and 3 kids later."

I laughed. "Now this."

"Exactly. And Solo!"

"And Solo."

We listened to the kids laughing and running around. "Well, we're all set here." Hope walked up to us. "Which means it's back to Seattle."

Kelley hugged Morgan and I looked at Hope. "All this." I motioned to the house. "My family, my career, my life. All of it is thanks to you."


"Let me talk." I smiled. "You saved me, Hope. You always say that I changed your life, and you changed mine, but you also saved it. I don't know what would've happened to me if you didn't come along. I was in that house, nearing 18. I would've been on the street or something worse. I never imagined this life for me. If someone told me then, that THIS is how my life would pan out I would laugh in their face. I'm extremely thankful for that day and for everything you did for me. You too Kelley." I looked at her. "When Hope lost me, you took me in and I never forgot that. I love you guys so much."

They both hugged me. "We love you too. More than you know." Hope said. "So much."

"GROUP HUG!" Everyone ran over.

The hug ended. We helped Hope and Kelley get ready to leave. They drove off and everyone went back inside. "Hey mom?" I looked at Colton.


"How did you know you wanted to adopt AJ?"

"I spent time with him and just knew that he was gonna be apart of our life. Why?"

"I can't imagine leaving Peter here. Derek feels the same way."

"Talk to you sister." I smiled. "She's gonna handle all our adoption and legal stuff."

He nodded. I went outside and looked around me.

I took a deep breath and smiled. "This is it."

The End.


This one was short because I never intended to write this one, I planned on ending the series with The Boys. I did think that something like this would be cool to do, so I hope all of you enjoyed reading the series as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Feel free to check out my other work that is currently still in process. Different Worlds (Mal/You) and Old Friends (Kailen/You).

Also the Camila/Rocky story will pick back up again soon.

Feels good to be back.

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