Chapter one the cost line

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My story begins as the wet season was coming to a close and the air had begun to get hotter.and the sun would be out longer and longer but it was probably one of my favorite times of year.i could see more of the fish and animals since they weren't always hiding from the rain but I know the dangers of coming to the river Banks but I couldn't help myself.i sat there with my feet in the water it was cold and the slight current felt nice on my skin.the sounds of the birds singing could be heard from miles at the time I couldn't think of a more beautiful place.i sighed softly as I hear a voice call out." Ayana waar is jy?!." I looked over to the voice to see my young sister she was The shortest girl I ever seen with her cole black hair in tight freshly done dreads.and her brown eyes had a bit of a worrisome look in them i looked at her skinny narrow body to see she had her dagger. I stood up pushing back my long curly hair out of my face before asking." Wat is dit nou shohreh!?." She looked into my eyes she looked a scared as she said softly." Pa wil jon sien." I sighed Deeply looked at her ." Okay okay." My sister shot my a look and crossed her arms and said in a very stern voice." Hy het gesê dit was ernstig!." I chuckled and put my arm over my sister shoulders as started to walk back towards the village. I looked over and said." Ah my liewe baba suster dit is waarskynlik net'n verlore hoender of so iets!." She rolled her brown eyes but smiled and put her arm on my and said." Julle is waarskynik reg maar steeds." We got to the border of out village there we children running around chasing the field mice.i smiled softly and watched them laugh and smile being completely blissful of the world around them.i sighed Deeply as we walking the village hundreds of huts Lind family doing there Daily routines my sister looked to me and ask." Wat is verkeerde suster." I looked down and smiled and said." Niks dink net nie." She Of course didn't Believe me but she didn't want to argue as we reach the the Priest temple where our father was waiting he sat there on the steps in his purple Drape. His strong face grow soft and a small smile grew on his face. As he said walking toward us." As my kind is jy uiteindelik aangekom." Me and my sister bowed slightly and looked back at him as my sister to a step out and said." Wat is die probleem?." He looked towards the east and Motion us to follow him as he walked. I looked at my sister and shrugged as we followed him. He was quiet for a few minutes before saying."die hoof van die oop lugstam het my so baie kommerwekkende nuus vertel."

My Curiosity grow as I asked." Wat is dit pa?." He looked at me with a very worried look in his face." Hy het my vertel dat daar 'n paar van die jong mans naby die strand weg is. " Me and my sister won't completely quiet this was the second time this month we have been told they were kidnapping. We stayed quiet for minute before my stubbornness kicked in." Miskien moet ek ondersoek instel." My sister elbowed me as hard as she physically could.i gasp loudly and held my side as our father turn to us." Ek ken my kind nie." I glared at my sister and said in my Strong voice." Vader, ek is veronderstel om van my mense te wees." He sighed Deeply and looked into my eyes for a minute Before saying."goed .... maar jou suster moet saam met jou gaan." My sister looked shocked and looked at me then him before saying." maar pa."  He looked at my sister before putting his hand up and saying." maar julle moet twee in die skaduwee bly." We both bowed before our father put his hand on our cheeks and saying." wees veilig my kinders ... beloof my net dat jy sal terugkeer ....." I smiled and nodded and said." natuurlik pa." My sister hugged him tightly as Did I as well walked to our horses my sister looked at me and whispered yelled." Natuurlik moet jy vrywilliger gaan!."  I chuckled as I walked up to my white Arabian stallion petting his face before say." Well you don't have to bes mad." She growled and put her hands on her hips and said." Ek het gedink jy het die Scrolls wat op die oewer gewas het, opgehou." I rolled my eyes and I climbed on top of him and said slightly sarcastic." Natuurlik het ek soos die krokodil gehou wat opgehou het om vleis te eet." I grabs two locks of his main gently and kisses the neck and whispered to him." Come my friend let go." I kick him his side slightly he whinyed and starts to run I could faintly hear my sister yell out." Ayana Wag!." I chuckled as me and sky runner went even faster I felt completely free. And after a short 45 minute ride we arrived to do the shore where the sea met the lake.i hoped of sky runner and Hiding him in the bust talking my swords from his satchel. And started to walk around the bay it was far too quiet I didn't even hear a bird. I sneaked in the bushes for a while I started think that they may have been attacked by animals or just got lost. But as I got farther into the coast I saw several small hearts and a Huge castles and biggest canoes I've ever seen. I was in shock as I stood there trying to put together what I was seeing. I made myself walk onto the sand and closer to the huts

I had my sword Drew I was only feet away from the huts now I look around and I saw no one so I sneaked into the huts. I dropped my swords from shock dozens of people where chained to walls they had a Branding on the shoulders. I was completely overwhelmed one of the boys no older then 200 hundred moons looked up at me and smiled and said." almal kyk iemand het gekom om ons te red !!." Ever one looked at me smiling some where even crying I walked into and said in a whisper." Wie het dit vir julle almal gedoen!." One of the Women looked at me and said her voice shaking." die Arabiere !! hulle het ons hier geneem en gesê dat ons binnekort gaan vertrek.." I was shock and mad I looked around and found the key hang on the wall. I took it and quickly took off the shackles and told them." Ek wil hê jy moet gaan! Ek moet die ander los." They all started to sneak out but the boy looked up at me and said."  asseblief, daar moet iets wees wat ek kan doen om te help!." I said and put both my hands on his shoulders." I want you to go to your Village and worn your chief!." He nodded before running off to catch up with the others. I smiled as I sneaked into the either hut this one was completely empty I groaned. But then I heard something that terrified me as a Deep voice said with a thick Middle eastern accent said." We have the slaves 12 man 5 woman and 3 children." I covered my mouth and leaned my back on the hut walks listening to as another man spoke." Good this group will be heading to Brazil." This man had a accent I had never heard before I peaked out a small hole in the walk the man with the strange accent was pale with black hair and brown eyes I had never seen such peeled skin before. He had on a very funny looking outfit on it was puffy and and tight. The man next to him had on traditional traders clothing. When they got to the hut the trader gasped and yelled." The slaves.....they are gone."The man with the funny accent looked at him and said." This better not be funny business Mohamed!!." The trader started to sweat and said." They are probably in the next one peer." The man named Peer looked very frustrated and said." I hope so!." They started to walk to the hut I was hiding in I was breathing heavily I had to make a decision now. I took a deep breath and run out as fast as I could. I left both men behind me but I hear the traitor cried out." Escapee!!! GET HER!!!." I focused as I started to get to where sky runner I couldn't risk falling but then it hit me if they are following me I could Believe them to my village. I couldn't allow this! So when I got to sky runner I released him and put his head on my and said." My friend.....I needs you to run to the far south....." a few tears Started to form as I slapped his hein and he started to run away. Something deep within we said that would be the last time I ever saw him. I run back on the beach but know many different men were following me with the odd sticks with a sword on it I run faster trying to get them to give up. But I fell in a small puddle of water I looked up to see a man he growled and hit me in the head with the thick end of the odd stick. I fell unconscious.

Hours later I wake up in a very Dark room I was on my back and there were changes on my ankles and wrists I growled and tried to get up but I was stuck. I looked to my right to see a person next to me I asked them." waar is ons!?." The man didn't answer I felt the floor moving I was starting to get very worried as the woman to my left said." kalmeer." I looked at her and asked." wat gaan aan?." The woman sighed Deeply and said." ek wens ek het geweet." I was shaking Little did I This was the Being of the worst three weeks of my life.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2018 ⏰

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