Chapter 10

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I'm back my lovelies!!! I missed y'all!

Anyway heres what y'all been waiting for..



Two days have passed.


Aurry's POV


So, like gonna try and leave him. I know, I know what you're thinking, "This stupid bitch" and all, but I dont wanna be here no more. Does he not get the hint that I hate him now? At first I didn't want to atleast try and escape because I loved him and I was scared, but now I have nothing to lose.


Except my boys.


But they act like they hate me anyways. I just really want a normal life. Something I haven't had in awhile.


You're probably wondering how I got to sit here and think for this long, well Chres is out with one of his hoes again. And the boys are at their cousin's house. I should take advantage of this and go take a nice relaxing bath.


Isaiha's POV (very improper speaking)


Maaaaan this bitch got me fucked up bruh. She wanna say I caint hit her no mo. WELL BITCH IF YO ASS WOULD LISTEN I WOULDN'T HAVE TO.

So I kicked her out my cousin house.


Oh, I heard about ma mama. She so damn dumb. But that night she came home, me and Brian were up all night because of her screams. I had to comfort my lil bro and that was stepping out ma comfort zone cuz Ion like to be all touchy n shit. But that's my lil bro.

Anyway, today im going to a party. My daddy droppin me off afta he take Brian home. So im gettin ready wit ma cousin.



Chresanto 's POV

So I'm thrushin hard in this blonde chick right now. I got dick fa days, I dont run outta dick


But yeah she ova here moanin and shit but the only thing that I'm thinking of right now is....


Aurry... I've never really thought about this bitch while fuckin another bitch. This is a first. I mean I love her and all but she just dont get it. I cant really remember the last time we made "love" I cant remember the last time I really was... nice to her. Ugh that word.


"Why you slow down Roc" the blonde chick said, snapping me outta my thoughts.

I sped up catching her off guard and throwing the thought of Aurry outta my mind.



Ayyyyyyye niggas im back.









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