The First Diary Entry.

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Hi my name is Melissa, and I'm a nurse at Dardenal station in the west wing. The date is currently 28th of July, the year is 1914. I have just arrived in the camp and there are already sirens going off everywhere i can hear, companions keep coming in onto the beds and i'm rushing to help them. I'm gonna try and write as much as i can in the diary. 

This whole day people have been coming in and filling up my bed's. The worst one today was a buy with a broken leg i had to put him through pain by cracking it back into place but in the end he stayed in the bed and i have given him a wheelchair so he can go out again, as another person came in. it is like this all day, in and out over and over again. Oh wait sorry gotta go there's a new patient. i'm back i removed the bullet successfully but put the man in a lot of pain i kind feel sorry for the poor guy. 

The time is 01:00 hours and i'm tired i might fall asleep soon so this is the end of my diary entry.

i hope u enjoyed this 1st part of my story plz tell me if u want more or should i stop.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2018 ⏰

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