The Numbers as Vines

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nine: what up im jared i'm 19 and i never fuckin learned how to read
eight: and they were roommates! ohmygod they were roommates
seven: so basically what i was saying is *gets punched* i can't believe you've done this
six: hurricane katrina? more like hurricane tortiLLa
five: what the FUCK is up kyle? no what did you say? what the FUCK dude? step the FUCK up kyle.
four: YOU WANNA FUCKIN DIE??? i'm a bad bitch you can't kill me.
ella: i'm in me mum's car broom broom i just imagine this with her and setrakus ra idk lol

i had a lot of fun making this chapter i love vines lol. i might make a part two cuz there are so many vines out there

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