K1 and IT

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ok so this is two colabs between me and thewritersssd  I wrote a sentence, he wrote a sentence and so on to make a story

we wherent aloud to change eachovers sentences and this is the two we got

me = bold
thewritersssd = normal
Franticly the human in robot K1 rapid fired. The bullets piercing the skin of all around, body's falling in the dozens. But not of humans,no, of mutant aliens! They had traveled here and robot K1 was sent to exterminate them. According to the data files they where from Mars and fossilised any other information was classified. All K1 knew was that it was to kill them all, and that was its job. BANG K 2,3,4,5 and 6 bust in to the abandoned theme park. They obliterated the rides destroying anything stopping them compete their job, because they had been ordered to kill, and yes kill they would. KREAK oh no; the bridge holding the ferris wheel snapped. And it crashed down,leaving nothing left, nothing except a small alien, it's family's blood on its hands. In its anger it screamed out rattling the park. In its eyes was lust, lust to slaughter all of the race that wiped out its.

She woke up to a cold dark room. next to her was... IT. That thing, that CREATURE. It's s bodys mixture of cyborg and flesh. It's body crudely put together, an ephemera , but it didn't want that, it wanted to live. she could see it now, human brains in its translucent chest. The heart st its thigh pulsed heavily struggling to work in the wrong area. Then it attacked. Its slimy hands all over her. It's tendrils whent up her nose, through her mouth and the still fresh cut on her foot, and it started to consume her soul. She wasn't giving up though and stabbed it at its heart. And it died on her arms, though it had taken her soul so she died down with it.

Anyway hope u liked the colab!

And shout out to thewritersssd who it seems I have tagged 3 times in this anyway


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