Chapter 4: Show Me The Fire

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I sigh running my fingers over the new leathers. The feeling smooth to touch, it's scent lingering around me. I smile at its appearance. Black swirling design like a dark fire on the shoulders. A shiny dragon scale design, clashing well with the dark leather. The pants were a very tight black leather to match.

"Ase, we must hurry. Boneless hates to be kept waiting." Denny spoke tugging the edge of my drying cloth, secured around my body. I roll my eyes at the comment. "This is my kingdom. He can continue to wait." I huff out irritated, dropping my cloth and grabbing my pants.

I tug the tight clinging fabric, wiggling around to successfully pull them over my thick hips. I sigh as Denny slipped the top on my upper body, the leather cold and inviting. She quickly tied the strings tight to my body.

Grabbing my wrist she tugged me into another room, shoving me down into the seat before a tall mirror. Her small fingers wrapping around a metal brush, running it through my hair quickly.

"Maston is going to be upset when he finds out that the Boneless touched his Queen." She murmured quietly to me, setting to braid my hair. "Maston knows his place." I stated looking into her eyes from the mirror. "What about Tomas? Or Armand? Zakeal?" She pondered out loud, a small smile gracing her thin lips. "They know I am a wild spirit. Besides-" I huff out, a staring at her intently. "Armand has Nikolai. Tomas and his various slaves. And Zakeal is infatuated with my sister." I smirk when her face pales, eyes wide in shock.

"How did you know?" She chuckled out at me, confirming my suspicions. "Please." I scoff with humor. "Those looks between then are enough." I laugh happy for my second in command.

She placed a silver crown on my head to complete the look. I look like a true warrior Queen.


I walked into my hall, my men gasping along with Ivar's men. The air seem to freeze completely.

Zakeal smiled brightly at me, inclining his head gracefully. Armand smirked at me, green eyes dancing with mischief. Tomas laughed loudly at the shocked features of Ivar's men, practically drooling over me. Maston glared to Ivar, who sat next to my throne on the steps, eyeing my perfect figure.

"Fix your eyes, Maston." I warned with a smirk. He coughed and turned his hazel eyes to me. "Forgive me, Queen Ase." He stated clearly remembering his place.

I took place at my throne, looking to Ivar to stand. I patted the empty chair beside me, which he took with confusion. Gunner was settled in a chair in the front row, I nodded in appreciation at him. He smiled brightly at me, grinning like a mad man.

Zayna sat to my right, her dark eyes narrowed. Her pale arms crossed in anger. She clearly did not like these men here. "Zayna." I warned, leaning closer to her. Her eyes shifted to mine with a fire much like the one that burns within me.

"I do not trust these filthy men." She harshly whispered, only so I could hear her. "These men, dear Zayna, are sons of an old dear friend." I hummed to her, placing a small hand on her slender arm. "Ragnar?" She ask, her voice softening a little. I sucked in a breath and only nodded.

"I do not like the way that the leader looks at you as if you were his property." She lowly stated, leaving the Ragnar comment alone. I chuckled deeply at my concerned sister. She may not be blood related, but she was still a sister none the less. "Zayna, he is merely an alliance." I laugh watching her eyes glimmer for a moment. "Only in his dreams could I be his property." I laugh a little louder, causing her cheeks to redden and a small laugh escape her lips.

Our quiet laughs, quickly turned to gut wrenching howls. Tears streamed down our cheeks, both of us gasping for air. We were both too wild to ever be tamed.

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